Moving Day

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Mike arrived at noon to help pack things up to move over to the new place. Most of it was already packed and put in boxes.

The animatronics were already deactivated and were being loaded into a truck.

"Hey Mike, you made it!" The Boss said.

"Just trying to help out." Mike said.

"Oh and by the way I forgot to tell you the other day that if you want to continue as a night guard you'll have to reapply for the job at the new pizzeria." The Boss said.

"Yeah, that's fine." Mike said and got to work.

After a few hours of working most of the stuff was already on its way to the new place so Mike started to leave when he got a call.

"H-hey Mike. I n-need some help..." Jeremy, Mike's only friend from High-school and College, said.

"Hey Jere, what's up?" Mike said.

"My dad is-" Jeremy began before getting cut off by Mike.

"You're still living with that ass hat?" Mike asked.

"Yes... But that's not the point. I need to find a job and quick. Otherwise that 'ass hat' is going to kick me out." Jeremy said quoting Mike.

"If he did you know you could come live with me in my apartment." Mike said pausing to think. "I actually do know of a place looking for a new hire in about a week. That is if you're ok with a night shift."

"I'll take any job at this point... I just want to earn enough money to get my own place." Jeremy said.

"Well it might take a while to get that but Freddy Fazbear's Pizza will be looking for a new night guard when they open up their new place. I could even put a good word in for you."

"That's perfect! Thanks Mike. I got to go. Talk to you later." Jeremy said and hung up.

"See ya." Mike said and also hung up.

Mike left but made sure to put in a good word for Jeremy before he left. Mike was sure that Jeremy would get the job but he was worried what would happen with the new animatronics, they had to be different from his friends and he was worried if they would actually try to kill Jeremy. He was also worried what would happen to his friends, after all they were going to be used as scrap metal.

Oh well. Mike thought. After all it was going to be in Jeremy's hands to deal with now.

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