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Mike woke up and looked around him. He was still in his office.

"What the- I guess I survived..." Mike said.

Well, maybe it turned 6 am before they could stuff me into a suit. He thought.

Mike started to stand up but his head hit something above him. He looked up and standing right above him were the four animatronics.

"Ahhh! Don't kill me!" Mike said.

"We're not going to kill you silly." Chica said laughing.

"Y-you're not?" Mike asked.

"Of course not. Why would we kill you Mike?" Bonnie said.

"But the Phone Guy said..." Mike began.

"You really don't remember do you?" Freddy asked.

"Remember what? What the fuck is going on?" Mike said obviously confused.

"Do ye not remember what happened at your seventh birthday party?" Foxy asked.


"Where are those guys?" Mike asked himself.

He had been walking around for the last ten minutes trying to find his friends. Mike found a door in the very back that was slightly cracked open.

He pulled it open the rest of the way and was horrified by the sight inside. He ran over to his parents and told them what he had seen.

At first they didn't believe him then they decided that he was telling the truth and they all ran to the back room which was empty but covered in blood.

***end of flashback***

At first Mike was silent but then he spoke.

"What about it? How do you even-" Mike said. "Oh my god."

"Do you get it now?" Freddy said.

"I think so..." Mike replied. "You guys are my friends that got kill by that guy with the golden suit and purple hair and your souls possessed the animatronics."

"Yup!" Chica said.

"Wait, why do you kill all of the other security guards?" Mike asked.

"Simple." Foxy replied. "Revenge. We want them to feel the pain we did and they could be the one that killed us. You never know."

"Okay. Number one, that's seriously messed up. Number two, if you killed them for revenge why didn't you kill me?" Mike questioned.

"Because, we could just tell it was you and that you were our friend." Freddy said.

"Okay..." Mike said.

"Hmm... I know! Why don't you guess who is who?" Chica said.

"Okay, why not?" Mike said.

He thought about it for a minute before answering.

"Felix, Finn, Cindy, and Brad." Mike said pointing to Foxy, Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie in that order.

"Yep. You're pretty good at guessing." Bonnie said.

"Wait, what about Greg?" Mike asked.

The animatronics were all silent and they stared at each other.

"Um, that's not important right now." Bonnie said.

Just then the bell rang.

"We have to go now." Foxy said.

"Will you be back tomorrow?" Chica asked.

"Yeah. I will." Mike said.

With that the animatronics went to their places and Mike went home.

The Story of Mike (FNAF)Where stories live. Discover now