Chapter 36 - Got to burn incense and pray to have good luck

Start from the beginning

Rui asked Wyatt. "Has Yin come back?" Yin was a messenger and a pigeon beast man in the army. A Few days ago, Rui ordered him to survey the area around western land.

"Yes, he arrived last night. Wyatt replied.

"Call him," Rui ordered.

"Sir Rui," Yin greet him with respect.

"During my task, when I first survey the area, I did not find anything strange, but when I tried to fly lower between the mountains valley, I was stopped by an invisible force. " Yin reported what he discovered.

Wyatt who was listening it commented, "A barrier?". Then he looked at Rui who was in deep thoughts.

"Good job," Rui complimented Yin. As expected, there must be an interference of a witch. Only a witch was capable of setting a barrier. Yin answer confirm his assumption.

"Send this to the palace." He handed the scroll to Yin. In this letter, he requested to the palace to have a witch by his side as an ally.

After his fight with the feral last time on his way to the chief meeting, Rui noticed there could be involvement of a witch. The feral suddenly disappear out of thin air. If witches were included in this fight, he could not just relax, he needed a witch by his side to counter their attack.


After a good nap, Achara went into her secret place. A forest garden right at the back of her house. She made sure to cover the place with plants and trees so no one noticed it. It was her training ground. As a female and a cheetah beast man, her strength is limited and could not be compare to a male. Cheetah beast men normally did not have too much strength compare to other beast man like tiger or lion.

During the fight, Beast men transform into their beast form because it was several times stronger than their human form.

With her circumstance, she could not casually transform into her beast form if there was a fight. Her fake identity right now was a male. If she were to transform and someone saw her beast form, they would know that she was a female.

After considering the pros and cons,

she choosed a method to attack from a distance.

She picked up the arrow and tried to focus on the archery target.

"Swittt". The arrow did not hit the bull eye but she still could hit the archery target. Her arrow landed between the blue zone and red zone. There were five zone in Archery target. The zones were as followed in ordered. White, Black, Blue, Red and Yellow with white on the outer most and yellow on the innermost.

"Tsk," Achara clicked her teeth

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"Tsk," Achara clicked her teeth. It was not enough. She could hit her target but not to their vital point, like she aimed. Although it was not to a great level, it was better than when she started practicing archery at beast world.

She did not have any cheat or talent. She was just normal. The only time, she had contact with archery was when she was at high school at her previous life.

It was a short period of time. The reason she joined archery club was simple. There were only a few members for this club and she was one of the victims who was forced to joined the club. Thanks to that she learned some basic on archery

Right now, the feral were so close to them. It was better to leave fate in her own hands instead of hoping for someone or waiting to be safe. Nobody knew what could happened to her tribe or to her.

She had experience what it felt like to be kidnapped two years ago. She was kidnapped by the feral and if she did not manage to escape, she knew that she would also be like the female who were captured. Luckily, they were not cruel enough to beat, starve or kill the female that were captured and no one got psychological trauma. As long as the female were obedient to them of course. But there is no way she could handle being treated like a toy for their entertainment.

She practiced archery there for some hours and then rest when she thought it was enough. She was glad that there's still some time left. Winter was coming and there's very low chance that the feral would launch an attack. Most feral hibernate at this time and also winter was the harshest winter among all the season to survive. Besides, they were unlikely to attack with the news that the imperial army that defeated them last time were here. However, she had to prepare for the worst.
Updated on 25th Feb 2023

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