Chapter 14: I Can't

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As they walked to the tree, Rani could sense the fear coming from Kion. She nudged him playfully, "Hey don't worry. My mom isn't going to hurt you."

Kion didn't respond. "Hello?" Rani asked. She nudged him again. "Huh! What!" Kion jumped up and looked at her.

"What's wrong with you?" Rani asked. "Nothing," Kion tucked his ears down. "Then why do I sense fear coming from you?" Rani raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing," Kion replied looking at his paws as they walked. Rani stopped, and he turned around.

"Somethings up," Rani said. "No, I'm fine," Kion said in a stern voice. "Kion just tell me!" Rani pleaded. Kion dug his claws into the ground. "Kion! C'mon!" Rani asked.

Kion's tail lashed in annoyance. His eyes were full of anger, "LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" Kion roared.

Rani looked at him, "Someones in a mood." Kion lunged at her, "STOP TALKING! Your voice is so annoying!"

"I'm just trying to help you," Rani replied. Kion growled at her, "Do you look like you're helping me!" Rani tucked her ears back.

Kion growled again, "Why can't you just leave me alone for once! When will you learn that no one cares about you! You're just a dumb lioness!"

Rani felt tears welling up in her eyes, "W-Why are you saying these horrible things!" "Because you're annoying me!" Kion snarled. The tears fell out of Rani's eye's.

"I-Im s-sorry," Rani apologized through tears. Kion realized what he was doing, "Rani I'm so sorry!" He lifted her up, and held her in his arms.

Rani pulled away from him, "What in the Great Kings is wrong with you! Why would you say that to me! And after what we did last night! I can't believe you!"

"I'm sorry Rani. It's just that....." Kion trailed off. Rani sat next to him, "This had better be a good reason for lunging at me."

Kion sighed, "It's Zin. He really...ermm...uh." "Are you seriously to embarrased to say scared?" Rani asked with a slight laugh. Kion nodded.

"I don't like admitting it," Kion replied. Rani chuckled. "He uh, 'that word' (scared) me. And that has never happened to me before," Kion said.

"So? Everyone gets scared at one point," Rani explained. Kion looked her in the eyes, "I'm dropping out." "What!" Rani asked shocked.

"I'm a scary cat. I can't be with you even if I did win," Kion sighed. "You can't leave!" Rani shouted. "Im sorry," Kion headed toward the mountain pass.

"No Kion!" Rani yelled. Kion didn't look back.

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