Chapter 10: To Long

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Ananda was getting frustrated. Rani was trying her best to get Kion healed quickly, but it was just taking way to long. It had been weeks since there was a competition.

Ananda walked into the tree. Kion was sleeping, with Rani giving his back a massage because he couldn't exercise himself, and get the cramps out of it.

"Rani? Can we talk?" Ananda asked. "After, I need to get the cramps out of Kion's back and legs first," Rani replied.

"Ok, considering he is asleep, I'll say it now. Kion can't be in the competition anymore," Annada said. "What why!" Rani asked.

"It's been weeks! Kion isn't getting better. You need a mate as soon as possible! We can't keep waiting for him. He's out Rani," Ananda explained.

"How is that fair! Blaze attacked him! It's not his fault!" Rani shouted. Kion slowly lifted his head, "Rani? What's going on?" He groaned. Rani growled at her mom, and went back to massaging his back.

Kion sighed and layed his head back down. "Kion, I'm sorry to say this while you're hurt, but you're being kicked out of the competition. You aren't healing fast enough. You can stay here and be healed, but after, you have to go. It's not fair to the others," Ananda explained.

Kion jumped up, but fell back down and groaned.

"The competition is going to continue while you heal. But because you didn't compete in any, you aren't allowed to go back in," Ananda stated.

"I still don't understand how that is fair," Rani growled. She massaged Kion's shoulder.

Kion opened his eyes, "It's not my fault your majesty. I was attacked. I agree with Rani, this really isn't fair."

"Sorry but we can't keep waiting like this. Rani, the next competition starts at sunset. Be there," Ananda walked out.

Rani growled, "This isn't fair to you." Kion sighed, "It's fine. I should have fought back in the first place."

Rani massaged his lower back, "Yeah well if you did, my mother would have banished you as well. Either way you lost."

Kion sighed in relaxation, "It's fine. I probably wouldn't have won anyways." "Maybe, maybe not. But now we will never know," Rani replied. Kion closed his eyes.

"But just letting you know," Rani started, "I wanted you to win." She licked his cheek. Kion opened his eyes and smiled.

Rani smiled back. "How does your back feel?" Rani asked. "Like I've been running for days. You did a good job, thanks." Kion said.

"Of course. Anywhere else that's cramped up?" Rani asked. Kion shook his head. "Alright, have some Tansy," Rani said. Kion ate the leaves, "What do these do again?" "They stop stomach aches, while making you fall asleep," Rani explained. "But I don't have a stomach ache," Kion replied.

"Like I said, they help stomach ache, and force you to sleep," Rani said. Kion nodded. Rani walked away to organize the herbs. Soon after she heard a faint breath from Kion. She turned around, and he was out like a light.

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