The Worst "Crush" He's Ever Had

Start from the beginning

Gosh, what was this guy doing? He needs to sleep, dammit. He can't go thinking bout' this blond the whole night. He slowly found himself sitting up from the comfort of his bed. He needs to wake up early tomorrow, he was to go jogging.

Another 10 minutes past, and Izuku decided that he was done. Yes, done. He pressed his feet against the cold floor as he got up, stretching a little. He had a test tomorrow, too. Might as well study for that, making this time useful, y'know?

Izuku wiped the drool off the side of his lip, groaning a little as he sat up straight. He had fallen asleep probably an hour or two ago from exhaustion tiredness. He fell asleep studying for this test he had today. He rubbed one of his eyes, wondering what time it wa—


He missed jogging.

The jogging ended like- 20 minutes ago.

He mentally scolded himself for five minutes straight. He didn't even have time to go apologize or anything, he had to rush to get ready for the rest of the day, for school. But the whole time he was, he couldn't help but think of how it would be with him and Katsuki. It might've not seemed like much of a big deal to anyone. But to Izuku, it was.

Kacchan was probably waiting the whole time. He told himself, while on a quick 10 minute shower.

He would've been annoyed. He frowned, drying himself, and grabbing his uniform to wear.

What if he doesn't wanna jog with me anymore? He questioned himself, fixing his tie, as it was a bit wonky.

Relax, Izuku. It's just one day! I'm sure it wasn't that much of a big deal.

But what if he cares about this kind of stuff? He slapped his cheeks again, trying to break out of the thought. He felt a yawn coming in from the lack of sleep as he walked to the elevator, to go downstairs. He really should've slept more.

"Oi, nerd."

Izuku's eyes widened from being partially closed, immediately looking to his side. "Kacchan." He breathed. "What- what are you doing here?" He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I live in the dorms too, dumbass," Katsuki rolled his eyes as he responded. "Why weren't you here this morning?" The blond asked, but it sounded more like a mumble, the blond didn't wanna make it sound like he was concerned or anything. Which he totally wasn't, by the way. He totally wasn't about to slam his door open to check whether he had died yet, or to crawl through his window even though his dorm was high off the ground, not at all.

"I- I'm really sorry, Kacchan. I really wanted to... but I just couldn't sleep, I think I only ended up falling asleep for an hour or so.. I feel like- like shit."

Not gonna lie, Katsuki was kind of surprised hearing the word "shit" slip off the nerd's mouth. He was about to tell him not to say such words, but then remembered what he himself was like. He cleared his throat. "Yeah, you look like it too." Katsuki found himself snorting, covering the lower half of his face, laughing at his own joke. Izuku eyed him, too sleepy to do anything about it, though. "Not funny, Kacchan." He frowned, turning away from the blond, folding his arms from his reply, or realize that the blond was laughing. "Oh come on, seriously?" Katsuki sighed, the door had finally opened. "You should've gotten more sleep, nerd." Was what he heard from the taller male before he had exited the elevator. "Wait- Kacchan," Izuku called, rubbing one of his green eyes again.

"What now." The blond raised a brow, turning around. "Your tie." Izuku spoke, looking at the male's lower neck, where the tie was barely hanging onto the uniform, he didn't bother to do it properly at all.

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