The Worst "Crush" He's Ever Had

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author's note:
sorry this chapter is super late, i've been really busy for a bit, i literally just finished my exam lol. i was about to work on a chapter but then realized that i had already made a chapter, i just forgot about it before i went on my break— but anyway! i'm back from my break, and my exams are over, and back to writing chapters for you guys :]

Man, everything felt like it was going great. It actually had been for a while now. But even though it's been quiet sometime since the incident had passed, Izuku couldn't tear his mind away from thinking of that day when the two talked in the nurse's office. Something just felt off. The words spoken felt, a little too real and heartfelt to say.

Ah, but that's probably his mind gaslighting him into thinking Katsuki had actually meant those words that day.

But really, he didn't think his mind gaslighting him would lead to sleepless nights, much like tonight. Right now, actually.

He tossed and turned. He tried sleeping on his left, then right, on his back, stomach, upside down, in a crouching position, hugging pillows —the pillow hugging worked better since he imagined the blond in his arms, but that still wasn't good enough— , trying to sleep while sitting up, counting sheep, everything! But not a single one but him to sleep for more than 10-20 minutes. It annoyed him, bothered him, how he'd fall into a dream with the blond in it, and as soon as things were getting good, he'd wake up.

This was really the worse crush he's ever had.

"1 kiss. 2 kisses. 3 kisses. 4 kisses." Izuku mumbled under his breath, trying to imagine himself kissing Katsuki's cheek. At least this was better than counting sheep. But as he counted, he wondered what it would actually feel like. To have his lips touch his delicate looking cheeks, his perfect face. Would it be warm? Oh, no shit Izuku. Of course it would be warm. We're warm blooded. Hmm, soft, then? Would it be soft?

His lips look soft.

How would his lips feel? So pink and coral-y like... he wanted to feel them.

That's when he slapped his cheeks, both at the same time. "No, Izuku! What are you thinking!? You can't think of Kacchan like that! Who knows what it might ruin..." he scolded himself. But to be honest, should've said this like- a chapter ago cause he literally told him that he loved him already. Anyway,

He didn't want that. No. If Izuku were to confess —which they kinda did but both of them are too stupid to notice—, and Katsuki didn't like him that way, therefore ruining their friendship, that ruin Izuku. He valued this friendship, a lot. And he didn't wanna lose that, even if it hasn't even been a year since they met. There was just something about this guy... he didn't wanna lose him. He was special. This was precious. Too precious to lose over just a few feelings.

It was just a crush, that's all.

But that's the problem.

It wasn't just a crush.

And Izuku knew that.

If you loved a person, you wouldn't have a crush on them. It's something more than a crush. Izuku had way passed the crush level. Hell, he was even ready to say it to his face! Just his reaction, his reaction was what terrified him. Probably enough to make him shit his pants. Okay, no, probably not that much.

That's what made it so hard. It was just three words. Three. Basic. Words. Everyone says those words in their day to day lives, but he has to say them together, to the person he liked. No, loved. To the person he loved.

He knew the blond said he was gay, but his tone sounded as if he himself didn't like the idea of love. Maybe he just doesn't wanna fall in love right now. Yeah, that's a possibility. He wondered if he'd ever see this guy after graduation. Like, when they go different paths, would they still have a chance to meet? To talk? To spend time with like they were now?

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