I'm Practicing

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author's note:

hey, it's me again- i just wanted to let y'all know that i know little to nothing about basketball, i just googled some stuff, and guessing other stuff based on stuff i've experienced, so yeah- just letting y'all know in case it seems off. thanks, and hope you enjoy!

That night, they decided to stay out a tiny bit longer, just the two of them. They made excuses to each other that this would probably be the only time they'd get alone, so they should use it to its maximum. But c'mon, we both know that isn't the case, right?

They ate ramen together at some local ramen shop on the street, as dinner. They make their ramen rather spicy there, which Katsuki didn't mind, he basically lived for spicy food. But Izuku on the other hand.. didn't handle it as well as he thought he could. He kept having to ask his water to be refilled, he felt his nose burn and itch at every bite, to the point where he had started sniffling twice a minute, Along with his mouth feeling like it was on fire. To top that, They made his dish the least spiciest possible, since Izuku had requested.

Katsuki rubbed the man's back from time to time, hesitantly. He wanted to try helping, but it kinda didn't work out since he was trying to restrain himself from laughing the whole time.

"You should have told me you didn't like spicy food, dumbass."

"I just didn't wanna ruin your mood, Kacchan. It's really okay, I needed to build my spice tolerance anyway."

"Then that did absolutely nothing to build it."

"Hey! It's a start!" Izuku lightly nudged the taller male's shoulder, playfully.

Katsuki got into Basketball, which Izuku was very happy about. It made Katsuki happy, so he was happy. It wasn't basketball season yet, but when it was, he'd have his schedule swished about a bit, and have him drop a course or two so that could be replaced with basketball instead. But for now, he'd just attend either the practice before or after school. He could do both, too. If he wanted. but he wanted to spend that time with himself instead. Running.

Actually no, that was not the real reason why he decided he'd only go after school. It was actually cause if he did decide to go before school, then that would reduce his time with Izuku. But he wouldn't admit that, of course not.

Izuku would find himself always stopping by the gym doors, watching the male throw the ball up in the air, and with it always ending up going through the hoop. He watched the male jump as he threw it everytime, and notice how focused the other looked. He didn't stay for too long though, as he would get weird stares from people sometimes.

But today? Well, he decided to stay. He decided to stay and watch the blond. It hadn't even been 5 minutes before he realized he was sort of being pushed into the huge gym. Hands, smaller than his own, had pushed against his back, the open door out of the two doored entrance was now wide open, someone had taken the door stopper off. "Wha— what the-!" Was all he could say before he found himself completely inside the gym. He turned around.

"Wha- Uraraka!?" He yell-whispered, with wide eyes. "Good luck! Go talk to him!" She grinned with a thumbs up.

"No! He- he's practicing! I can't disturb him like that..."

"I know you can do it! Tell me everything later!" She smiled cheekily.

"Uraraka! Wai—" but before he could continue, she had left.

Oh gosh. What is he gonna do now? He can't just leave! That'd be too awkward, what if Katsuki sees him leaving? Wouldn't he ask questions? What if asks him why he was here in the first place? What would he say? Wouldn't it be too weird to say 'Oh yeah, my friend pushed me in here to talk to you.' He'd get the wrong idea! He—

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