Dimples. (Final)

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Oh man, thank goodness you're here. There's a lot happening today.

First, both the males had woken up earlier than they usually would. Katsuki found himself staring at his phone till his usual morning alarm, as he wanted to wait till The greenette had woken up, so they could jog together. It's funny how in the beginning of the year, he found this nerd annoying, and even tried to avoid him at some point- but now, look at him. Never did he think he'd actually wait till it was the right time for him to get up. Counting every minute, every second, to keep track of when he'd see him. And he, well- uh, he..

He loved him. He loved Izuku. He knew it. As much as he didn't wanna admit to anyone, even himself, he had to at some point. But he promised himself he wouldn't tell anyone, because it's weird, it's a weird feeling, love is weird.

Well, until today.

Yeah, so basically, Katsuki Bakugou was actually re-thinking his thoughts and opinions about Mina's little plan on helping him confess. This, could go two ways.

One, the unlikely one as he liked to call it, Izuku actually returns his feelings, and falls head over heels for this blond man the moment he smiles, and discovers his dimples. And they all live happily ever after, they graduate, go to college, get jobs, marri—

Okay, Katsuki, too far.

Two, the more likely one as he liked to call it, but of course his friends have to disagree, they don't ever listen to them, so why would they? Anyway, ending two! Izuku never actually saw him or felt anything like how Katsuki felt around this greenette. He turns him down, Izuku moves on to a another guy or girl, he didn't know who he preferred better, graduate, go to college, get jobs, marri—

Okay, too far again, Katsuki.

But ending two is okay, because if the at ever happened, he could threaten the person Izuku loved and tell him to treat him the fuck properly, or they'll have their faces met with his fist in no time. Another thing he could do, was ignore Izuku until one of them died so these feelings would die. Ah, that's a bit harsh.

He impatiently tapped his foot on the floor, with the tapping synchronizing with the seconds as they went by. Why the hell are 2 minutes so damn long!? He asked himself. He invented minutes anyway? Why did they have to have 60 damn seconds? Couldn't they cut it in half?

What the blond wasn't aware of, was the fact that Izuku was also awake.

Izuku stared at his Allmight themed alarm clock, chuckling to himself as he remembered one of their memories together, how Katsuki was complaining about all the Allmights staring down into his soul once when he was over at his dorm. That was sweet. He's funny.

He whispered the seconds to himself, he couldn't see the seconds on his clock, but he started counting from 1-60 the moment he saw the last number change in the time. Sometimes he'd count to slow, which he felt was good, because if he counted slow, it made him feel like the time was going faster, but when he'd count too fast, he found himself sighing, waiting a few seconds before the number changed again.

Finally, it was time for both of them to get up, and do their usual routine. Both their alarms beeped at the same time, with them simultaneously switching it off, and continuing on with their day with smiles on their faces. This was one of those times where Katsuki allowed himself to smile, opening his door, dressed up in his dry fit clothes, and heading over to the elevator, pressing the floor the common room was. Before he could curse the elevator out for being so slow, he noticed that it had stopped on the second floor.

"What the hell, I need to see—"

"Me?" Izuku finished, smiling wide, chuckling a little. He could hear Katsuki's cursing from outside the elevator box, and automatically new it was him. Katsuki froze, he was caught off guard.

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