Final exams

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The next morning with his final exams which would determine our graduation. Or my graduation at least Lisa was still in the works of medical school. We woke up that morning kissing on each other. And telling each other how much we love each other. Then she shocked me and said she wanted to take the pathology exams as well as the regular academic exams.
"are you sure you want to do this right now." I asked her.
"Yes sweetie I do want to take the exams or the pathology and the academic exams." She smiled and lightly giggled." I have a genius IQ and I am a prodigy as well so I'm ready were ready even though I just came got in here." She said. She seemed confident and said it in a loving way.
"Ok," I said kissing her. "Beautiful and smart I didn't know that about you later I love you very much can we may go during the waiting times." She said that she didn't mind making out while we waited. We walked to the exam hall of the university, Hand in hand our eyes smiling at each other. When we got to the exam hall we kissed and made out for at least an hour until it was our turn to make the exams. First was the normal academic medical exams she got out and passed with flying colours twice with that one and the pathology one. Worries me if you seven years later I was able to do the same but I wouldn't get out in time to see her yet. She was waiting for me when I left the exam hall.
She kissed me and asked me how I did. I told her I did no different than her and I'm hoping that I can be a medical examiner one day. She said you can be my assistant since your charming enough.
This young girl Lisa pass the final exam's or pathology and academics just for fun and for me. She said "we can work together as medical examiners and be in love. I did this for you my love." I was starstruck by her words that she said she did this out of love I didn't know what her parents would think about her being in a threeway, then passing the exams......I never met her parents I asked her about them she said she lost them to cancer as well just like our children we're going to lose her father to cancer. She said that she wanted our children to be doctors as well and that we were going to be a happy family with all without Annie.
Learn speak of the devil and he came up to me and said that I have passed the exam is it and so did Lisa he was talking to the examiner. And he wanted to make love to me and only me in the hearse. I told him I wasn't interested at the moment but I was gonna do that after graduation. He said will be married by then I just want to have a good time with you and I love you for one last time as your teaching doctor.
"Ok, sweet Annie," I said knowing the my male lover was going to die in 5 years so I thought of marrying him and then Lisa the week later. He said that he noticed that I was wearing his scalpel pendant that he gave me I said yeah I said I wasn't going to take it off until the day I die and then I was gonna wear it for a wedding I kissed him gently on the lips and told him that I loved him dearly and then I was gonna miss him as a teaching doctor.
He said that he want to make love to me in a hearse under the stars one last time as my teaching doctor though it would be not it's forbidden as before.
"Why do you want to take me to the forest and make love to me under the stars Annie," I asked.
He said he wanted to make love to me under the stars tonight but I said I said that I had plans in place with Lisa for tonight.
"It's OK you can call her and tell her that she can wait until I'm done with you for the night," he reassured me. Then she approached me and said what's going on I had told her that I had plans with Annie tonight that we would have to change plans until tomorrow night.
"Baby I understand you had him first so you can have fun with him," she said unfazed. It was as if she knew this was gonna happen I told her that I was going to see her tomorrow night and that we would celebrate tomorrow night. I didn't know what the celebration was going to be like with her but I knew it was gonna be loving.
And he said that I could let her live with me and him when we get married we could have three ways all the time. I told him that I don't think she likes her three ways too much he said he didn't mind what she thought was so long as he pleasured her and loved her as long as I love him. He said to go and get your lab coat and something warm to put over me were going to go now."
I held on to Lisa's hand and kissed it and told her I'll meet her tomorrow for our special time I asked her where she wanted to do it. She said she wanted to do the celebration in the morgue.
That no it was a starry night and I was able to enjoy myself with Annie. He didn't pop any champagne or anything because that was just crazy for him he slipped another ring on my finger and said thank you for being my wife even though we're not married yet. He kissed me on the mouth and then the neck and collarbone he slid the lab coat off of me and proceeded to make love to me both with mouth and fleshy needle. All the while I kept thinking about Lisa except I was reminded of where I was why are the flick of the Tongue and or the odd thrusting.
As he was thrusting into me he kissed my breasts and then my mouth it felt good but I wish it was later that I was making love to. He said I seem distracted and I told him that I was that I wanted to be with Lisa more than anything tonight. He said that she was a very smart cookie that she can wait and night if she can do the exams prematurely.
I didn't find it cold hard it but I found it a little saddening because I was interested in leasing more than him. But he was a gentle and very skilled lover. And he knew how to make me feel good about myself and my body. We can continue to make love throughout the night in the hearse that he owned and then he said some thing that I did not except.
"I only have a few short months laugh with you and Lisa this is what I wanted and the night to happen right now. I'm sorry if I seem cold hard and for taking you away from Lisa but I wanted to spend some time with you and tell you the bad news" he said.
"Are we still going to get married after graduation Annie,"
"I am a man off my word and then the next day you marry Lisa," he said. " I love you my hygieia and don't for get it."
It was morning, we were up all night loving Each other. Soon I kissed him and got in the front seat and told him Lisa was waiting.

The doctor's sinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin