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Lisa was crying to the point where she was almost having a psychotic break I had to do something about that or talk her out of it. It was apparent something has been causing her sadistic behaviour in the first place I was able to kiss her she wasn't violent and I was able to calm her down with my kisses. Lisa then decide she was going to tell her story to me at least why she likes threesomes and why she was so sadistic one it came to our patients.
She said that she had a Trumatic childhood where her parents beat the shit out of her and attacked her at any turn or given chance. Then she fell in love with her high school biology teacher who gave her a home of being a doctor one day they were madly in love but her parents found out about the former doctor turned biology teacher, turned lover. She said it started with I am kissing her while teaching her personally how to dissect a frog there was no one else in the classroom except her and the former doctor. They ended up making out as they dissected a frog and they made love after that for the first time. When her parents found out there and raise had him put in jail. When she tried to do pan palling with him prison penpal and they found out and they raped her in the bombing room of the funeral home/home. Then she got scratched in the face by her mother with a scalpel as her father was attacking her. She said she can't even look at her scalpel very much so unless she is high or drunkBecause of what her mother did to her.
Why is he got high or drunk see ended up doing sadistic things in the morgue to patients. I asked her Who her hero was and why and if you is intoxicated at that time. She said she had to idols Mangele and mulder. I was a star said she would pick the angel of death as one of her bridals and then Mulder from The X-Files that's just plain creepy. But for some odd reason she was captivating with her Victorian zombie like locks and her unusual charm. She then told me that she was great Canadian and never taken out of her toxic situation. The moral part of me had to ask if she was anti-Semitic she said no she was not anti-Semitic just anti-human. Her correct words and I quote was I fucking hate the human race and it's weaker's legs which are the second elderly. That's where her twisted mind came from because of her childhood. He said that he tried to do an experiment on a bully in school actually two bullies she will leave that they were sharing brain waves and was going to set up an autopsy room and her phone basement and cut out their brains and switch the brains with the different heads and I thought that was pretty horrific I can't believe that this was the woman I was going to be loving.
"Let's forget all about that" she said. she proceeded to kiss me gently with her tongue and with her lips as if to assuming that I was in with a psychopath I can feel the tears run down her face as she cried and kissed me I held her head close to my head. I have embraced her and caressed her.
"Do you want to do some autopsy play." Lisa asked Seductively.
What does that involve ask her. She said that it was more or less deranged love making in the morgue, where she covers her lover with fake blood while making love to them.
Sounds morbid I said.
She said that it wasn't as morbid as it is releasing and loving. I told her I was going to give her a try she said to lay on the autopsy table, and slowly strip.
Sure I said.

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