Chapter 19: The loss of a friend

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Welcome to chapter 19!

Start of recap...

Aragorns eyes widen "han! Dago han, Legolas! Dago han!!!" ["Kill him! Kill him, Legolas! Kill him!"] He yells getting the attention of both elfs.

Legolas hits the Uruk with two arrows, but fails to kill it, Calen goes for the shot but the Uruk-hai takes out the wall with its explosives. Saruman's army start to crowd through the hole in the wall.

Calen gets blasted away because if the explosion and gers knocked out. "Brace the gates! Hold them! Stand fast!" Yells Théoden as Orcs run in to the the courtyard

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Gimli falls, into the heart of the Orc warriors. Aragorn calls out to him. "Gimli!" The then tuns to his warriors. "Prepare to charge! Hado i philinn! Herio! ["Hurl the arrows! Charge!"]" He yells to then the Archers change to shooting down at the hoard of Orcs trying to get in through the gap.

Calens head aches as she opens her eyes, she whipes at her forehead feeling something wet and sticky 'blood' the thinks, the Elf groans at how dizzy her vision is before standing up, the ringing in her ears come to a stop as she looks up.

when she does she sees the battle taking place, the blast from the explosion must have knocked her out, the young Elf then grabbed her Bow ans leaped into battle. She charges and shoots three arrows at once each one hitting an orc right in the neck, she smirks ans continues her assault on the bastards

At Entmoot...

Treebeard: The Ents cannot hold back this war. We must weather such things as we have always done.

Merry: How can that be your decision?

Treebeard: This is not our war.

Merry: But your part of this world!

Aren't you. You must help. Please. You must do something.

Treebeard: You are young and brave, master Merry. But your part in this tale is over. Go back to your home.

Pippin: Maybe Treebeard's right. We don't belong here, Merry. It's too big for us. What can we do in the end? We've got the Shire. Maybe we should go home.

Merry: The fires of Isengard will spread. And the woods of Tuckburough and Buckland will burn. And all that was once green and good in this world will be gone. There won't be a Shire, Pippin.

Back at Helm's Deep...

From the battle Théoden yells over the sounds of war towars Aragorn who surprisingly hears him. "Aragorn, pull back to the gate!" yells the King, The ranger nods his head and wips his head around and yells to the soldiers.

"Na Barad! Na Barad! Haldir! Na Barad! "["To the Keep! To the Keep! Haldir! To the Keep!"] Haldir nods at him and calls for the others. Gimli is being dragged away against his will by a couple soldiers. "What are you doing? Stop it!" of course the dwarf tries to fight them.

As the Elves and Men turn back Calen had been told by a solider of the kings' command, the girl wasn't happy but finished off a couple more Orcs as she ran back to the keep, as she runs, she spots Haldir and goes to yell but before she can Haldir is killed.

For Aragorn and Calen everything next happens in slow motion, Calens eyes look on is horror as an Orc snuck up behind the seasoned Elf and stabbed him through the chest, Calen opens her mouth but nothing comes out she is stood frozen as his limps body falls.

Angry tears fill her eyes she whipes her hair out of her eyes, she looks up and locks eyes with an Orc, the snarling creature goes to run but is stopped from by a blade piercing its flesh, it was Calen she used her magic to teleport.

Said Elf had her dagger in one hand and in the other held her sword, anger was dripping off her, she then uses her powers to teleport and quickly kill Orcs a blue whisp is the only thing anyone sees. From the gates Gamling yells he still has his orders. "Brace the gate!"

Aragorn turns away from Haldirs body, he then sees Orcs dropping left and right looking closer he sees his sister, his eyes widened as he too is dragged back inside. He has never seen his sister so angry before. "Wait! We cant leave Calens still out there!" he exclaims but knowone stops.

The gates are closed behind him.

Théoden: To the gate! Draw your swords!

Gamling: We can't hold much longer.

Théoden: Hold them!

Aragorn approaches the king, sword in hand his sister is out there fighting. He turns to Theoden. Aragorn: How long do you need?

Théoden: As long as you can give me!

Aragorn nods ans turns around." Gimli!" he yells and the dwarf walks over.

Aragorn and Gimli exit through a secret side gate. "where is the elf?" asks Gimli raining still falling, Aragorn thinks before answering "Calen was left to fight after the gates closed" he says angry, Gimli is worried by knows the Elf will be okay.

"shell be okay lad, shes a fighter" he yells, this reassures Aragorn, the two stand on a ledge just to the side of the main gate. Aragorn peeks over, seeing the large band of Uruk-hai storming the gate.

GIMLI: Come on! We can take 'em!

ARAGORN: It's a long way.

Gimli takes a peek and then steps back.He then mumbles "Toss me." The man turns his head slightly "What?" he askes, Gimli grumbles over the rain. "I cannot jump the distance! You'll have to toss me!" Aragorn nods slowly and then turns to grab the Dwarf. "Oh!" Gimli stays Aragorn's hand "Don't tell the Elf."

ARAGORN: Not a word.

He tosses Gimli to the head of the Causeway and then leaps over, when he does Gimli is Making quick work of killing the Uruk-hai "ARGH!!"

On the other side of the gate

THÉODEN: Shore up the door!

SOLDIER 1: Make way!

SOLDIER 2: Follow me to the barricade.

SOLDIER 3 : Watch our backs!

SOLDIER 4: Throw another one over here!

Men are bracing the gate with wood and nails. Aragorn and Gimli continue to fight off the Uruk-hai just outside. Meanwhile the Uruk-hai load and fires hooks over the battlements. Hundred of Uruk-hai climb onto super-ladders as they are pulled up towards the walls, the super-ladders locking onto the edge of the battlements with their steel grips. Legolas takes aim as another super-ladder is being pulled up and shoots away one of the ropes. The ladder falls back onto the Uruk-hai army.

The end!

Hope you liked this chapter so sorry for the wait!

Word count: 1133

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