Chapter 14: Warg riders

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Welcome to chapter 14, I can't believe it already. Wow

Start of recap...

The Elf only hugged her tighter, he pressed  amiss you his youngest child's head and pulled away only to while away her tears. " Ceri- ú- nall- nin maethor, all na- forgiven, im heni- how cin felt a whui cin wre angrui with nin, im onlui wanted na beri- cin nin laes. ( Do not cry my warrior, all is forgiven, I understand how you felt and why you wre angry with me, I only wanted to protect you my baby.)" He says making Calen laugh.

"Thank you Ada" she whispers as she wakes up and her Ada isn't there anymore. When she opens her eyes she has a smile on her face and the sun wa shining bright. When Aragorn asked why she was happy she only said. "Because Ada still loves me" and skipped away to her horse.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

That same morning Aragorn leads his horse to Helm’s Deep, distracted by
the memory of Arwen, with Calen riding infront with Legolas and Gimli she was laughing with the Dwarf and Elf.

Aragorn smiles happy his little sister I'd having fun and helping everyone with her presence. "Where is she?" Asks Eowyn, making Aragorn turn away from his sister and best friend to Eowyn.

Éowyn looks at him nervously. "The woman who gave you that jewel." She pushes looking at the necklace. The Ranger says nothing and continues riding.

Aragorn continues to gaze off, flooded with the painful memory of his departure from Arwen, Eowyn endeavors to break his musing.
"My lord?" She says

Making Aragorn look at ÉOWYN to give up his story. Calen ahead speeds down and rides next to her brother knowing the story is hard on him.

But Aragorn tells her hus voice flooded with pain. "She is sailing to the Undying Lands with all that is left of her kin." He speaks finally.

Calen putz he hand on his arm knowing it was hard for both of them, Arwen being her Sister and Aragorn being her brother but also not. Seeing both their faces Eowyn turns quickly away from him, digesting this information.

Up ahead of the group Gamling and Hàma ride through the crowds to scout ahead. Yhey ride over the ridge, distracting Legolas, who is
watching the horizon as they pass.

They reach a tall formation of rocks their Horses become uneasy. "What is it? Háma?" Asks Gamling.

"I’m not sure." Says Hama.

High atop the rocks, a Orc eatg rider watches them suddenly the warg charges down  the rock face and attacks Hàma. Who is knocked from his steed to the ground. He rolls over as the WARG bears down upon him.

Further up Calen hears pained cries ahead alarmed she grabs her bow and gtabs an arrow from her quiver. Seeing Calens fighting stance Aragorn znd Eowyn look up to hear Hàmas cries Gamling draws his sword.

"Wargs!" He yells to the group. The Warg throws Hàma away, and turns to Gamling The two warriors clash and Legolas leaps from his lookout point and fires an arrow, felling the warg and throwing his rider to the ground.

Aragorn along with Calen runs atop the ridge Legolas bears down on the Orc and slices his throat."A scout!" Calens eyes widened and she shot an Orc down  with an arrow still on her horse.

As Aragorn runs back down the hill to Thèoden, who rides toward him. As Calen and Legolas continue to shoot arrows more warg riders appear.

"What is it? What do you see?" yells  Theoden

"Warg! We are under attack!" Yells the Lord. The crowd is instantly reduced to a blind panic as the people scream and turn back to Edoras. Aragorm quickly makes his way through the crowd to Èowyn and his Horse.

Theoden turns back to the troops. "All riders to the head of the column!" He orders the soldiers. Gimli tries to mount Arod. "Come on. Get me up here. I’m a rider!" Yells the red haired Dwarf.

With some help, Gimli succeeds. "Come on!" He spurs the horse onward, and almost falls off. Legolas runs across the plain to the top of another ridge, overlooking a vast plain over the next hill come a large number of Warg riders barking and kicking up dust as they ride.

Calen rides next to the elf and shoots another arrow catching two riders abd making a gap appear between the Orcs. Theoden rides to Éowyn mounting her horse.

"You must lead the people to Helm’s
Deep, and make haste." He tells hid niece. "I can fight!" She tells him but he tells her no he can't loose another family member. Éowyn holds the Kings gaze for a moment.

"You must do this...for me." He tells her, Reluctantly, Éowyn agrees Theoden turns his horse to the battle. "Follow me!" He yells as his soldiers charge towards the Orcs.

Theoden charges forward the warriors follow Aragorn spurs Brego onward as he mounts. Arod with Gimli on his

ack, walks backward. "Forward. I mean, charge forward" he tells the horse.

Éowyn leads the people away from the battle. "Make for the lower ground!"

Gimli finally succeeds in moving Arod forward he
holds on unsteadily as the horse gallops. "That’s it! Go on!" He yells and rides to the Battle.

Èowyn manages to get everyone moving in the same direction she continues to rally them to her. "Stay together!" On the Battlefield The Rohirrm Horseman ride together under their standard up the hill to confront the warg riders.

The horsemen ride up the hill into battle Atop the ridge, Legolas and Calen  fire arrows into the ranks of the warg riders, hitting their mark each time, before Calen decides to charge with the Rohirrm soldiers.

She putz her bow on her back and pulls out her short Elvish sword from Gandalf (the sword he fpund in the first book in the Troll hourd chapter) she hold one up and yells "Du Bekar! (To arms)" Yells the Elf gaining Gimlis attention.

"Aye lassy Du Bekar!" He yells

Legoals hears the elfing yell a Dwarvish charge and rolls his eyes "she been around dwarves to much" he mumbles before fighting.

To be continued...

I hope you liked thus chapter!

Word count: 1060

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