Chapter 13: Ages and Stew

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Welcome to chapter 13, its funny because I literally watched lord of the rings yesterday and now I'm writing this anyway on with the chapter.

Start of recap...

Èowyn smiles "Really?" She says and
She begins to walk away. Aragorn tips the bowl to pour out the
distasteful mixture before Èowyn turns suddenly Aragorn tries to catch himself, but ends up soaking his arms in the steaming brew.

Another snort of laughter is heard and Calen hadn't moved from her position on the ground a she was too red to move, once again a glare was sent her way by Estel.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Eowyn walked back to the human and Elf. "My uncle told me a strange thing. He said that you rode to war with Thengel, my grandfather. But he must be mistaken." She said, Aragorn smiled at her.

"King Théoden has a good memory. He was only a small child at the time." He told her, making the blonde woman kneel down to him, shocked.

"Then you must be at least 60." She whispers making Calen snort and Aragorn chuckle uncomfortably, and look away while elbowing his laughing little sister.

" Seventy?" Asks Eowyn, the Ranger looks down and still doesn’t respond. Calen was still holding in her laughter.
" But you cannot be 80!" Exclaims Eowyn.

He looks at her calmly, and smiles. "Eighty-seven." He says making Èowyns jaw drop, she stands, momentarily  speechless. Calen manages to sober up before speaking "You're old brother" she says before bursting out into laughter.

Aragorn once again glares at the elfling "you have been around our brothers to much sister" he grumbles as Eowyn finds her voice. "You are one of the Dúnedain." she whispers to him.

Aragorn nods, humbly. "A descendant of Númenor, blessed with
long life. It was said that your race
had passed into legend." She says

Calen snorts and slaps Aragorns back " not thus old man he's still alive and kicking" she says giggling.

Aragorn sends they elfling a glare worthy of King Thranduils. "At least I'm of age in my race than not in yours Sister. I'm surprised Lord Elrond let you come not being an adult yet" he remarked making Calen remember she was younger than him and still wasn't 100.

Calen grumbles and croses her arms pouting. Eowyn gasps "of course i forget how young you are Calen in your race" she says.

Calen looks at her "Hey! I'm not that young Eowyn! I'm only 75 on 25 years of being of age" she yelled making Eowyn laugh and Aragorn chuckle at his sister.

The man then becomes sad as he answer Eowyna question before they went of track. "There are few of us left. The Northern Kingdom was destroyed long ago." He says softly making Calen put a hand on his shoulder.

Aragorn looks down, sadly. "I’m sorry." Says Eowyn before she smiles and gestures to his uneaten food. "Please, eat." She continues to stand by him, giving him little choice but to
eat the distasteful mess he was given.

Making Calen once again laught, Aragorn looks at the soup left in the pot and smirks. "I think my lady that Calen would also like some stew, you know how young elfs are always hungry" he says making Calens eyes widen in horror.

She slowly shakes her head as Aragorn smiles innocently at her. 'This is payback' thought the man, Eowyn then smiles. "Of course my lord I will go find another bowl and spoon for our Elfling" Says the lady before leaving the two alone.

When she does Calen leaps at him easily tackling the man down making his drop the rest of the stew. "You Orc! How dare you" she yelled hitting hus chest making thr man burst jnto laughter.

Legolas, Gimli and Theoden all watch from the side line as they see the usually Serious Lord and young Elf play fight on the ground rolling and laughing as they did.

Legolas laughs "as always they end up fighting, thats Estel and Calen for you" Says the blonde Elf Prince. They continue to watch at the two curse zt each other in different languages making the camp feel less stressed and more relaxed watching their two warriors fighting.

Time skip...

Later that night Aragorn sits silently, smoking a pipe. His eyes stare off into
the distance his mind elsewhere.

Next to the Ranger was Calen as Elfs don't need alot of sleep she was up and wide awake reading the book she had when they met in the prancing pony.

The elfing was leant against her Brother, her bow held tightly in her arms, she was ready to fight is Orcs attacked them.

As she read she began to doze of, her blue eyes closed as she rested her head against Aragorn, the book she was reading fell on her lap.

When she awoke she was back in Rivendell in one of the many rooms, but she recognised tsis room As it was hers, she stood up from the bed and walked around she noticed she wasn't wearing her hunting gear but a beautiful dress one she never wears.

As she was looking at he dress someone walked in, "Nin maethor" came the voice Calen gaps when she heard and looked up it was Elrond.

"Ada!" She yelled and jumped into his arms like she did as a young elfing and still does. The Elf clung to thr Elven lord tightly not wanting to let him go. "Ada, im'm sorrui an how mín chil things in Rivendell. Im feel awful nia ha hi whole quest. Im estel cin tur- díhen- nin.(Daddy, I'm sorry for how we left things in Rivendell. I feel awful about it this whole quest. I hope you can forgive me.)" She cries into his tunic.

The Elf only hugged her tighter, he pressed  amiss you his youngest child's head and pulled away only to while away her tears. " Ceri- ú- nall- nin maethor, all na- forgiven, im heni- how cin felt a whui cin wre angrui with nin, im onlui wanted na beri- cin nin laes. ( Do not cry my warrior, all is forgiven, I understand how you felt and why you wre angry with me, I only wanted to protect you my baby.)" He says making Calen laugh.

"Thank you Ada" she whispers as she wakes up and her Ada isn't there anymore. When she opens her eyes she has a smile on her face and the sun wa shining bright. When Aragorn asked why she was happy she only said. "Because Ada still loves me" and skipped away to her horse.

To be continued...

Hope you liked this chapter!

Word count: 1122

I'm An Elfling! (Lord Of The Rings fanfiction) (Book V)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang