chapter 7: The Black Gate of Mordor

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Hey guys, I know its been a long while since I last updated so sorry! But here is chapter 7 finally.

Start of recap...

Gandalf: I am Gandalf the White now. And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.

They start to walk through the forest, with Gandalf leading the way.

Gandalf: One stage of the journey is over, another begins. War has come to Rohan. We must ride to Edoras with all speed.

Outside the forest, Gandalf whistles piercingly. Soon an answering neigh is heard and a white horse appears from the plain, answering the call.

"wow! He's so pretty" muttered Calen as she sees the horse coming.

Legolas: That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell.

Gandalf: Shadowfax. He's the lord of all horses and he's been my friend through many dangers.

The five ride off to Rohan, Edoras

End of recap...

Third person pov...

With Merry and Pippin...

Back at Fangorn, Treebeard is walking through the forest with Merry and Pippin sitting on his shoulders.

Treebeard speaks to them as she walks "My home lies deep in the forest near the roots of the mountain. I told Gandalf I would keep you safe and safe is where I'll keep you. The trees have grown wild and dangerous. Anger festers in their hearts. They will harm you if they can. There are too few of us now. Too few of us Ents left to manage them"

The three began their journey through Fangorn forest.

With Frodo and Sam...

Frodo and Sam are climbing a high rock overlooking Morannon.

"The Black Gate of Mordor"

The enormous Black Gate comes into view with Orcs patrolling and standing guard on the towers and atop the walls. From the right, an army of Easterling soldiers is marching to the Black Gate.

Sam is nervous as he speaks "Oh save us. My ol' Gaffer'd have a thing or two to say if he could see us now"he said quietly.

Gollum looks at Frodo "Master says to show him the way into Mordor, so good Smeagol does. Master says so." Said the creature.

Frodo nods "I did" 

Orcs are patrolling the Black Gate.

Sam is torn "that's it then. We cannot get past that" he said worry in his voice, A command is heard and an Orc sounds a horn, signalling for the Gate to be opened. Two enormous cave trolls stretch and growl and then pull the mighty Gate open.

Sam see the Gate opening "look! The gate, it's opening! I can see a way down" said the blonde Hobbit

He moves closer to the edge. Suddenly, the rock underneath him gives way and he falls.

Frodo sees him lean forward and reaches out to grab him but misses him "Sam, no! SAM Argh!!"He yells as she falls down after him.

Two Easterling soldiers see streams of dust coming down the cliff made by Sam and Frodo. They move away from the troop to investigate. Frodo reaches Sam who is stuck in the scree.

As the Easterlings move closer and closer, Frodo throws his Elvish cloak over himself and Sam. The soldiers are now directly in front of Sam, but their eyes see nothing but rock.

Frodo and Sam peer from underneath the cloak. The soldiers soon leave and after a moment, Frodo throws back the cloak and pulls Sam out.

Frodo looks at Sam as he speaks "I do not ask you to come with me, Sam"said the brown haired Hobbit solemnly to his best friend.

Sam looks at him and makes a half smiled "I know, Mr Frodo. I doubt even these Elvish cloaks will hide us in there."Said Sam looking at the gates infront of them.

They prepare to make a run for the Gate.

"Now!" Yells Frodo as they go to rum Gollum pulls them back by their cloaks.

Gollum shakes his head at them "No, no master! They catch you! They catch you! Don't take it to him! He wants the preciousss. Always he's looking for it! And the preciousss is wanting to go back to him. But we mustn't let him have it" he begged Frodo

Once Frodo tries to make a run for it, but Gollum Pulls Frodo back again.

He whispers to them "Theres another way. More secret. A dark way." Said the creature.

Sam glares at him "Why havent you spoken of this before?!" He yelled angry with Gollum. Who flinched back "Because Master did not ask!"

Sam doesn't look convinced "He's up to something."

Frodo looks at Gollum "Are you saying theres another way into Mordor?"he asks.

Gollum nods his head "Yes. There is a path, and some stairs, and then a tunnel."

Frodo and Sam watch as the Black Gate closes. Gollum is stroking Frodos arm and burying his face in his cloak

Frodo looks at Sam "Hes led us this far, Sam"he says

Sam shakes his head no "Mr. Frodo, no"

"Lead the way, Smeagol"

Gollum smiles an evil smile and walks with Frodo following him "Good Smeagol always helps."

Frodo follows Gollum as Sam stares after him in disbelief.

With Gandalf, Calen ,Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli...

On the plains of Rohan. Gandalf, Calen, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli stop as Edoras comes into view.

"We are almost there!" Exclaimed Calen she was ready to gey of her horse, since she was little she didn't like riding a horse much.

To be continued...

So I hoped you liked this chapter!

Word count : 930

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