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Fortunately, Marie was able to drive over to his new apartment. She told him over the phone that she couldn't wait to see it. Marie told him that Anna had hired a new person to take over his old job, but they weren't as good as he was. That's what Anna told him anyway. But the job was easy to catch onto, so hopefully, they would catch on easily enough.

Liam opened the door to his apartment and let Marie in. She smiled at him. He was in his suit by now and Alex would be here any minute to bring him to work.

"This place looks amazing, Liam!" Marie exclaimed as she looked around the place. Liam couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you" He replied, she was still grinning from ear to ear.

"You look so handsome in the suit as well" She told him. Liam couldn't help but blush.

"Hazel is just up and is in the kitchen, eating her breakfast." Liam told Marie and they walked into the kitchen together.

Hazel was sitting in her chair with her spoon
in her hand. She was trying to feed herself. The key word was trying. That was for sure. Her face was a mess. He had literally only left her for two minutes and she was a mess.

"Of course, she got food all over her face." Liam groaned. Liam heard a horm beep from outside. He knew that it was Alex. He sighed. He wasn't going to have time to clean Hazel up.

"I'll clean her up. You just go." Marie told him with a smile. He grabbed his jacket and his keys.

"I'll see you later, sweetheart." He told Hazel and kissed her on the forehead. She gurgled some baby language and that made him smile. He left the apartment after saying goodbye to Hazel and Marie. He walked out of the building and opened the car door to get into the car

"Good morning" He greeted Alex when he got into the backseat. Liam made a mental note to investigate other ways to try to get to work. He didn't want to inconvenience Alex every day.

"Good morning" Alex returned with a smile on his face. He couldn't but look at Liam in his suit. He looked good in that suit. He was glad that Zayn was helping him and that Zayn gave him the job. Liam was a good person and that was obvious in the way that he was taking care of Hazel. There probably weren't many people who would take care of Hazel the way that Liam was. Alex didn't know any others anyway.

"How are you doing?" Liam asked Alex with a polite tone to his voice. Alex smiled but he knew that it was fake.

"I'm good. How are you?" Alex asked Liam. Liam smiled back. He couldn't help it. He just had to smile back at Alex.

"I'm good. Are you enjoying the work?" Alex asked Liam. Liam nodded.

"Yeah, I am. This has been my dream for a long time." Liam replied.

"That's good that you're enjoying it." Alex muttered. Liam nodded but something made him frown. What did Alex enjoy doing?

"What do you enjoy doing?" Liam asked Alex. Alex looked up in surprise. Why was Liam asking him that?

"I enjoy my job." Was what Alex said back to him. That just made Liam even more confused.

"Do you have any hobbies?" Liam asked Alex. Alex shrugged.

"I like to draw and go to the gym." Alex replied.

"What do you draw? Can I see them?" Liam asked with an excited tone to his voice. Alex shook his head.

"No, I'm not that good. I haven't drawn in a while. Been too busy." Alex told Liam. Liam pouted. That made him look so cute.

"Well, maybe you should go and try back to it" Liam said to him. That made Alex grin.

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