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Liam couldn't believe that Zayn had kissed him. It had been two days since the charity ball. Liam could hardly think. He didn't know what to do. He had gotten up this morning and went to work, but he hadn't seen Zayn since, he was dropped off at his apartment after the night was over. They hadn't even spoken about the kiss. Liam didn't know whether to approach Zayn about it or not. He probably wouldn't because Liam had heard the rumors that were surrounding Zayn Malik.

Liam was sitting at his desk, just staring at his computer. He didn't know what to do. He had no idea what to do. Not a clue. He didn't tell Marie about the kiss. He didn't tell anyone. He knew that everyone knew that Zayn was bi, but he still didn't tell anyone.

Zayn hadn't talked to him since the kiss and Liam hadn't of expected him to. Liam presumed that the kiss was for show. Everyone cheered when they kissed but Amelia didn't look incredibly happy.

"Liam." A voice interrupted him when he was in the middle of his work and he looked up and saw his manager standing there with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Emily." He greeted her.

"Hey. How's work going?" She asked him. Liam smiled again.

"Good. I'm working on something now." Liam replied. Emily was still grinning at him. Liam tried to focus on work, but he wanted to know why Emily was grinning at him.

"Why are you grinning at me?" Liam asked Emily. Then she started to walk towards him.

"I heard that you went to a charity ball with Mr. Malik." Emily told him. Liam groaned.

"Is everyone going to be bugging me about that?" Liam asked her. Emily nodded.

"Everyone will probably want to know why he took you, but we all know that he's bi. Only nosy people will ask you and that includes me, so spil" Emily told him. Liam sighed.

"He was invited to some charity ball and then got interrogated by some woman called Amelia. She cornered me in the men's bathroom. When we first met her, Amelia bent down so that Zayn could see down her dress. She was acting like such a slut." Liam told Emily faked gagged.

"I've heard of Amelia before. She's obsessed with Zayn. I'm not surprised that she went all 'he's mine' shit on you." Emily told him.

Liam smiled. Emily was a pretty cool person. She was so easy to talk to.

"She said a lot of that in the bathroom and then she tried to seduce Zayn and that's when he kissed me." Liam admitted.

"Kissed you? Like kiss kiss? " Emily exclaimed. Liam nodded.

"We didn't really talk about the kiss and then he just dropped me home and we haven't talked since. He's been ignoring me." Liam told her.

"I'm sure he's not ignoring you." Emily told him.

"Then how come he hasn't talked to me in two days?" Liam said.

"I don't know. Maybe he is simply scared?" Emily suggested.

Liam scoffed. "Seriously? He's scared? He's a freaking billionaire. He's a CEO and he scared?" Liam told her, he made sure that he wasn't too loud so tha nobody would hear them.

Emily shrugged. "He's got a reputation to uphold."

"What reputation?"

"I'm sure that you know that he's known to be a manwhore. He's probably scared that you'll get torn apart by the paparazzi." Emily told him. Liam looked away. She had a point. Liam had seen at the charity ball what the media were like to Zayn. They wanted juicy stories about him. Practically anything that they could get their hands on.

"I can see your point. They were ruthless the other day when we walked in. I'm surprised that there's not a photo of us kissing out there, printed on every tabloid that exists" Liam told Emily.

"The world knows that he's bi, but they only really ever see him with women. So, to see him with a man was probably a shock to them." Emily said to him.

"I know that, I've looked him up. I've seen the pictures." Liam explained to Emily with his voice soft.

"I just don't see why he brought me with him" Liam asked her. Emily just smiled.

"I can see why he did. You have a great smile and I know that you adopted a baby girl when you didn't need to." Emily told him.

Liam just nodded. He didn't know why. He
just did.

"You should try and talk to him." Emily told him. Liam just scoffed again. "What am going to say? He could fire me and for once I love my job. I don't want to lose this good job that I have now. I'm nearly ready to move out of the apartment that I am in right now." Liam told Emily. Emily nodded in understanding

"Fine. I understand that but he won't fire you, you're the best graphic designer that this company has seen in a long time. You should try and talk to him." Emily told him and then walked away.

Liam sat there in thought for the next few minutes. He didn't know what to do or think.
Should he go talk to Zayn? Liam didn't know. Why would Zayn want to talk to him? But Liam didn't know that Zayn wanted Liam more than anything.

He was stuck in a business meeting with some other CEOs that he was trying to make a deal with. They were looking through the presentation as Liam sat there in thought.


"So, do you have any questions?" Zayn asked
the men after the presentation was over. One
of the men put his hand up.

"Yes, one, who is your graphic designer? This work is fucking amazing. Where did you find them?" The man asked. Zayn just shrugged.

"He's just really good at what he does. I met him in a café, and he told me that he was a graphic designer and he got a job at my company after I had seen his portfolio, of course." Zayn replied.

"Damn, I wished I could find a graphic designer like that." The man replied and they all burst into laughter.

After the meeting, Zayn was in his office looking through some files. His mind drifted back to that night when they kissed. He just couldn't control himself. He wanted Liam and now that he had a taste of his sweet lips, he wanted more. But Liam was his employee. There was so much chemistry between these two.

He needed to go and talk to Liam. He didn't know what Liam would be thinking. Zayn was scared that the paparazzi would be hounding him. He was an ordinary man. He wasn't like the women that he was with just for his money.

He walked out of his office and took the lift to go down one floor. That was where Liam's desk was. He hadn't talked to him in two days and Zayn missed his voice. Zayn everything about this man.

The doors opened and Zayn walked out with determination. He saw Liam sitting at his desk with eyes trained on the computer that was in front of him.

He looks good even when he is working so effortlessly. Zayn thought as he stared at Liam and smiled. He couldn't help it. He walked over slowly to the desk, but Liam didn't even notice him
standing in front of him.

"Hello, Liam." Zayn greeted Liam and Liam nearly jumped out of his skin. He didn't even notice Zayn standing there.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asked him in a whisper. Zayn arched his eyebrow.

"Why are we whispering?" Zayn asked him in
whisper and couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't know why we just are." Liam whispered back. Zayn couldn't help but grin at him. "I wanted to ask you something and we do need to talk." Zayn told Liam. That just made Liam even more confused.

"Why do we need to talk?"

"We just do, and I want to take you out on a date"


"I just do. This Friday, be ready at 7"

Then he left leaving Liam with a shocked look on his face.

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