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Liam was working when the man in the designer suit came into the café. What was a man wearing that doing here? Liam thought. Liam watched the man, the man seemed to be staring at him. Why was he staring at him?

The man walked up to the counter with a confident swagger. Was he trying to impress Liam? Liam hadn't a clue as to who this man was. But he was as hot as hell.

He looks like a Greek god. Liam thought.

Then he heard his silky voice as he was trying
to work.

"Hey, what can I get you?" Liam smiled at the man. The man smiled back.

"How about your name and number?" The man
asked with a cocky smirk.

Liam felt sick, how could this man just ask for his name and number? He knew what these kinds of men were like. They only wanted one thing which
was sex and once they had that, they left you. Liam had experienced that before. But he chose not to think about that.

"The name is Liam but you are not getting my number. Now, is there anything from the café that you would like?" Liam replied with a feisty tone to his voice. Liam was feisty. He wasn't going to deny that.

The man gave him his order and Liam started making the coffee. Liam made good coffee. It was probably one of the reasons why he still had a job.

But Marie loved looking after Hazel. There was no doubt about that. That was one of the reasons why
Liam didn't date. He didn't have the time to.

If he went on a date with this man, he would probably take him to some fancy restaurant
where Liam didn't fit in. Liam could see the black SUV that was waiting outside. He knew that this man was rich, and he had money. After Liam gave the man his coffee, he tried to ask him out again. Liam refused.

"Look, I am not your type. I'm not rich which you obviously are. I don't need to be pitied by some rich man and I don't have the time to date. Here is your change. Thank you and goodbye" Was what Liam said back to the man. The man looked shocked for a second before taking his coffee and walking out.

Liam could see the small smile that the man had on his face when he got into the back of the SUV.

Anna came from behind and tapped him on the shoulder. She had a huge grin on his face.

"Do you know who that man was?" She asked him. She seemed to be excited. Liam didn't know why. He shook his head.

"Why do you seem to be so excited?" He asked her. She gasped.

"You mean, you don't know who that man is?" She asked him. Liam shook his head.

"No, I don't know who that man is. Can we let it go now? He tried to hit on me." Liam told Anna.
She started to get even more excited.

"What?" Liam asked her.

"That man is Zayn Malik." Anna told him. That name didn't mean anything to Liam, why was Anna telling him?

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked Anna.

"So, you don't know who he is?"

"No! I don't know who he is. He asked me for my number:" Liam told her. Anna squealed.

"Zayn Malik is like the most eligible Bachelor in like all of New York. He is so rich! He's the Owner and CEO of his company. Which I forgot the name of " Anna told Liam.

Liam shrugged.


"Okay?" Anna asked him.

"Didn't he ask you out?" She asked Liam.

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