Chapter four - Offering a drink

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How pathetic, how he sat down all alone with a chest on his lap. In the chest, the head of Susan rested. His dead girlfriend which could send him nothing. No pleasure, no love, no joy, nor hope. He only carried it with him in the hope he would get that power at once. He licked his lips as he slowly extended his other hand, this time to bring a little glass towards his lips. He could already feel the gin burning in his throat without even drinking it. He smiled weakly for once, and took a little sip of it. The bottle was almost empty. His eyes went towards the little clock hanging on the wall. It was only one O’clock in the afternoon, but he didn’t give a thing about that. Why wasting himself late in the night, if he could already get rid of his awful thoughts so early in the day? He smirked for a second, and placed the back of his head against the backrest of the couch, staring at the ceiling which was dirty. There had been a fire in this apartment, in the time the old owners lived here. That was why they moved. It would’ve cost way too much to repair all those things that got damaged by the smoke and the flames. They first thought about it to sell the house, but since nobody wanted to buy it – not yet at least - they had hired it to Alex. He could buy it, of course. But he didn’t. First, because he didn’t wanted to spend his money into this ugly damaged and dirty house, but also because he would move away from here anyway. He wasn’t about to stay here. He lived here for a couple of months now, and he hated it. It was way to crowed and he hadn’t find a good way to blend himself into the people here. He thought about moving to Scotland. Yes, Scotland, he thought with a little smile. Perhaps that was a good idea. Far away from his father, from Nigel, from everyone he had ever known in here. Maybe he could start all over again?

Later that day, around nine O’clock in the evening, he walked into the pub at the corner of the street called “Pub the pool table”. He pressed his lips as he entered the cloud of smoke inside there, and smirked lightly as he saw his maiden sit down at the bar, pointing her straight back at him. Her curls were pinned up this time, so it could reveal more of her naked skin – like her neck and her chest. A shiver climbed up his spine. There we go, he thought. He had no idea why he thought in the way of “we”. Like he were with somebody else. He walked down towards the bar and rushed his hand once speedily through his neat-combed hair. It was like Isabel noticed his presence, and she turned around with those big green tempting eyes.

‘Isabelle,’ he smiled as he chocked his head, bowing lightly as a neat and charming gesture. ‘You look wonderful, even without your school uniform. Secretly even more.’


Though Alex was alone, to the point of misery.. that didn't mean he really was what you call 'alone.' Ever since he pushed Alex to leave Yorkshire, - taking his Maraclea skull with him, - Nigel has been in Alex' mind constantly. Not just in dreams and memories.. But on occasion his voice would come out and speak to him like happened in that cell block. Nigel made contact every time he could, and though Alex was about sure by now that he was just imagining it, Nigel did not give up.

Until that one day came to past. The day that Alex met Isabelle.. and it was clear that Alex was no longer willing to keep with the ghost of his past, Nigel in this case. It wasn't enough for him to be loyal to an illusion. He was the knave after all.. He could do whatever he pleased. And Alex was so intrigued by this one girl named Isabelle, that he probably didn't even notice Nigel becoming quieter.. Pushing himself to the back of Alex' head as if offended.. As if he didn't want to talk to Alex anymore. In truth, he didn't. Alex having interest in someone else was one thing.. But neglecting Nigel for it, stamping him off as nothing more but a bad memory, that was near to unbearable.

It caused motivation, though, the misery. For in contrast to his companion Alex, Nigel would stop at nothing to have everything back his way. He wouldn't sulk in loneliness. No it was the point where Nigel got out there, trying to reclaim what was once his.. His body.. and most of all Jack. He wandered the earth for four years, sick of being nothing more than a ghost unable to do anything, until he came across a certain fellow named James Hadley. He was, perhaps, the only one in the world that could see Nigel. And it felt nice at first.. Finally having someone to talk to.. Someone that acknowledged him.. But it was not enough. It was not Jack. It was not destiny. And he would stop at nothing to get the young wizard's help.

Like Minds II - Once we'll be unitedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant