A Certain Smile

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Anastasia and I have had a tough time of losing Phoebe, but we have finally gotten past our own grief and are looking at adopting a child. So we put in applications to adopt. Mia is having a second set of twins. We are coming up on the first anniversary of Phoebes birthday and death. Ava is going to be a year old the day before. It is going to be a rough day for everyone. But we need to celebrate Ava and then remember our daughter the next day. We got the call from the caseworker about a little girl that was given up for adoption because her family couldn't provide for her any longer. I am the first to see the little girl and I am looking at my eyes. I don't know what to think, but I see mom come over and sit with me as I visit the little girl. We have no idea at all who received the donations and we never asked. Gabriella has black hair and she is the same age as Ava and Phoebe. She was born a week before they were. The caseworker was asking me questions and mom was playing with Gabriella Angelica when Anastasia came in and sat by me. Gabriella ran to Anastasia and said she saw her in her dreams. Which shocked us that she could speak that well at such a young age.

I see Christian sitting talking to to the caseworker and go sit down by Christian and soon a young girl runs to me and amazes me by telling me about her dream about me. I am looking right at this tiny one year old girl with gray eyes and black hair. I think I am imaging her talking but I know that she is talking to me and telling me about Phoebe. I start crying and she hugs me and pats my hand. The caseworker asks us if we could give her a good home? I tell her we could do that. We didn't take long to get her things ready to go and she is holding our hands and says she can't wait to meet Teddy and her cousins.

I knew Gabriella was going to need to be with Anastasia and Christian when she asked me about Phoebe out of the blue. She told me they play together in her dreams. The way she described it, it was as if she had been playing with my grandchild for real. The things she can articulate and tells it is just like they are real. I have never met a child like her. So I set it up for the meeting. At first the caseworker thought I was exaggerating about the child's abilities.

We get everything signed and soon Gabriella will be a Grey. I am going to meet this incredible child soon. She only talks to those she trusts. Grace was one of them. Then the caseworker and finally Christian and Anastasia. I get everything completed and they bring in Gabriella to meet me. I greet her and she smiles and her gray eyes sparkle and she says hello and that she heard about me from Ray Steele. I am dumbfounded by her comments and she describes how she heard about me. Grace comes in and joins us. Gabriella hugs her and then sits between Anastasia and Christian holding both their hands. She assures them that everything will go smoothly. It is hard to believe she is a year old. The adoption is a closed one because her parents asked for it to be that way. I am starting to think someone might want to study this child. Suddenly she turns to me and says I am right in my thoughts about someone trying to study her. This is just eerie, but she tells me that we are the family who will prevent that from happening to her.

Grimaces and I know she has an idea what and who wants to study the child. She tells us that there is someone trying to locate Gabriella and her parents. That is why they gave her up for adoption. We finally get things done and she meets her brother Teddy. Teddy has been told that no one can know about Gabriella and her abilities. I mean at six years old he isn't going think about it being odd that she can talk. Ava is saying things but nothing like this baby.

I finally get to meet Gabriella and Grace is right she has some very extraordinary abilities. She consoled me and Grace on our losses of babies and told us they are already reincarnated. It was hard not to cry, but Gabriella assured us that they are living a good life.

At first I thought this was just a fluke but as I was thinking that she smiled and told me that flukes are just a coincidence and that she can't explain how she is the way she is, just that she is a rare human being. She goes on to tell me more about things that not center Maddie knew about. She pats my hand and says that I did the right thing and because I did it turned out for the best for all concerned.

I am shocked to see Gabriella in person. She walks up to me and tells me that my nightmares will stop soon, because the devil is taking the person who hurt me from the world soon and she will suffer far worse than all her victims did. I am looking at her and she hugs me and says that my sons will be my final salvation. We had never gotten the information on the sex of our babies because we didn't want to know. She says she is sorry for telling the sex of the babies. I am stunned that she knew what t was thinking.

I am sitting here thinking about this one year old and thinking about how she knows how to talk. She actually answers my question from my thoughts. She learned to talk very early because she could hear thoughts and started talking in response to the thoughts. I am amazed how much she understands.

I am in shock and not sure if I am being pranked or what. Gabriella just chuckles and tells me she isn't pranking me. She hugs me and says she knows I am the fun uncle. Everyone laughs and nods their heads.

Oh this is just one very amazing child and one to be protected. She looks at me and says that I am right about her needing protected. I am stunned and then she tells me about the baby I am carrying.

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