Esclava Becomes Changes Unisex Salons

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When the Esclava salons went up for sale I bought all of them and changed them to cater to all variety of people. With some remodeling and management changes we have reopened them and they cater to all types of people. If we don't have it we get it prior to your appointment. Grace was thrilled that she could go to the salons. Mia even jumped into idea and I offered her some input into what is needed and she is doing great. She goes in when Ethan is caring for the girls and I made her an offer. We have child care for a minimal costs to our clientele. The workers get it free. Talk about getting employee applications for all the job postings once they knew Elena was no longer the owner. I hired people to go through all the applications.

I didn't like Anastasia buying Esclava but she did and it's started making a lot of money because of what she offers to the public. At first I thought it would cause issues, but it seems to bring in a lot more customers and all are willing to pay for the services because it has a unique customer base that include everyone's taste. If they don't have it they get it, if they don't have the expert they locate a local expert or have someone train to accommodate the customer. Enid has been watching the twins for Ethan and Mia while they are still seeing dr Flynn and the other doctors until they are both fully healed. Mostly Ethan though. I have to say he has changed dramatically. We were all concerned for Mia when he was dating her and then he made changes after she started dating other guys. He won her back by making changes for himself and her. Anastasia is glad there are two more babies in the family to get attention. Teddy was being spoiled and she wants him to try to live a somewhat normal life. It is hard when you have security guards around all the time to assure he isn't kidnapped.

I am happy to oversee the salons and enjoy meeting with the managers at each place. Anastasia has given me free reign of them. She has hired the best of the applicants to work there. Maddie and Katie have both grown a lot and they are both taking bottles easily. They are on food as well. Teddy is talking and running around now. We are all going to have a lot of fun with him. The girls are trying to emulate him now. The salons are doing great and we have so many different people come to all of them. Mom said grandma is enjoying coming to get her nails done to find out what we did to the salons and then she said it was great to watch the new variety of customers and employees come in and out. She loves the new look and the new choices we give the clients to choose from.

Mom loves the new version of the salon. It is fun to go there now and they cater to everyone. They have expanded their services and hours. Even their prices are within reason. They have new people to work the longer hours. It is much more convenient for us that can't get there in their old hours. They even start earlier and it is great. For the people who can't do the nine to five hours. Anastasia did some of the changes and Mia and the current managers have decided to get their heads together to get a more consistent clientele. Not just wealthy individuals who are the only ones who could afford the services they offer at too high of a price. I couldn't believe that they had a full house when I arrived for my appointment and they still got me in on time. Another nice feature is they don't overbook. Mia said they ran a time analysis on how long each person who does the procedures takes and builds in five minutes before and after to assure everyone is well cared for.

I think everyone is happy with Mia handling the salons. We might rename them after I get them all running at maximum and making money. I think everyone is happy that Mia has a vocation and is doing very well at it. I have promised her that she will own half each of the salons in five years and then one hundred percent after ten years. Her ideas have brought in a lot of business and they are more popular than when Elena owned them. I had to fire her three children because they weren't working at all and they were on the payroll. Of they thought 5hey could sue me for wrongful termination. It didn't even make it to court.

I am happy that Anastasia is encouraging Mia to take on the salons and she terminated the Lincoln children because they weren't working at all and too many people were carrying their workload without compensation for it. Mia has learned from how Anastasia handled them and has fired several of the Lincoln children's friends for the same thing the Lincoln children tried to pull. I am happy that she also put in some incentives for Mia to make the salons profitable for Mia and give her a huge incentive to keep them profitable.

I wrote up the agreements for the salons and the arrangements that if Mia works hard she will own all the salons and if they become very profitable she will fully own them in ten years. I have to say that it is a good deal as long as she keeps them profitable. So far it has been very profitable and they might be expanding their operations and the buildings as well. I am sure that they will get more business within the year. Elliott has made a few building recommendations for a new salon soon.

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