The Wedding

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I am waiting to see Kate in her wedding dress and she finally appears with her father walking her down the aisle. She is definitely beautiful. I watch as she walks down towards me. This is forever and always no second thoughts here. She chose to marry me. I wonder if it was her idea or mine to get married. I then recall that I picked out her engagement ring and wedding bands. Plus I chose our home and moved her into it. She remodeled immediately though lol. I hear the words I do and you are now pronounced man and wife. A month from now Anastasia and Christian are getting married as well. Their place is not far from where we live.

Okay Elliott and I finally got this wedding over with. I should have just gotten married in Vegas like he asked instead of the sideshow for our friends and families. Mom and dad are very happy that I am now mrs Elliott Grey. I think Elliott was a bit out of it. Until we were pronounced man and wife and that kiss was took me for a loop. I thought he was going to run for the hills the closer this day got. But here we are and our first dance as husband and wife. We finally are on our way to our honeymoon and using GEH jet to get there. Elliott couldn't talk Christian into letting us use his island home. We can use one of the other houses to stay in during our honeymoon. It is ready and waiting for us. It isn't as nice as the main house, but it is very private. We will be waited on by staff and security will assure we are safe.
A month later and Elliott and I have had the best honeymoon ever. The house we were in was great, it was smaller but elegant and staff took care of our every need. We got to see the home Christian and Anastasia will be spending their honeymoon together soon. I thought Christian bought this place, but it turns out Anastasia's parents bought it before they died. It wasn't even their only island and she was the only heir to the Steele fortune. Plus she had doubled their assets in the first year she was running it. She just kept on growing it. I had no idea until recently who Anastasia Steele really is. The prenuptial agreements were my first clue. Mrs Trevelyan said that Anastasia needed on3 to protect her assets if she were to get divorced. I couldn't fathom why she would need it and I was soon told that she was bringing a lot more to the marriage than Christian was. She was rarely in the news and photos were obscured if the papers wanted to stay in business. She is definitely young.

The wedding was finally over and we had clued in the minister about our Vegas wedding and he said that he would marry us anyway. Christian proposed and gave me his grandmother's engagement ring. Maddie was very happy. Our wedding went smoothly and we finally are married and the announcement had no photos of us. We enjoyed every moment of our honeymoon. Jason and Gail took a second honeymoon in one of the houses we owned on the island and security was very tight. Sophia is going to college in Seattle so she is living in their house while she is going to college. I think she has a thing for one of our younger security men. She tried to join us, but Jason told her no way.

I can't believe how young Oscar is, after being around him I thought he was older by the way he acts. He is no longer on call when we moved in together we changed that. They are being paid for just sitting and waiting around, when they could be training physically and mentally for any kind of attacks. Part of their jobs require they stay up to date on all forms of self defense and all security updates. So they are getting the training they need and they have to stay physically fit at all times. We added a place on our property to help get these things accomplished. The defensive driving training program involves all of us. Anastasia has been trying her best but she is tiny. So she is trying to get in better shape. We had no tan lines by the time we came back to Seattle. I admit that I liked seeing Anastasia nude outside. I made sure she stayed that way a lot, if not all the time.

I knew the second I saw Anastasia and Christian that she was pregnant and Grace agreed with me. Theo asked me how I could tell that. Within a week they announced their pregnancy. Christian was passing the sonogram around smiling from ear to ear. The extra security around her was obvious.

Maddie saw things I failed to see. But women are more perceptive in some cases than we men are. Carrick said that Grace thought she looked pregnant when they came to family dinner.

I can't believe I am going to be an aunt. Ethan has been hanging out with me and our friends. We aren't really an item, but you would think we are if you were around us a lot. But look closer, he never hugs me, never kisses me and never tries to kiss me. I am tired of asking him anything about it. So I am dating others now.

Mia has told me that she is dating someone else and I am not sure what to think about that. So I guess I should have known that I was going to be a friend. I don't know why I couldn't kiss her or anything else. It is too late now. So she is seeing someone else now. I think he is one of the security people as well. Sophia is dating one of them as well. I tried to go out with her, but Jason would have a fit if I asked her out though.

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