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Kate had to throw water in my face to get me to wake up so we could get to the hospital right away. Her water had broken and we are not close to the hospital at all. I call the only person I know who can help me and that is mom. Five minutes later I hear a helicopter land in our back field. It is Christian and mom is with her along with Belinda and Gail. All arrive to help with Kate. The baby of course is not waiting to be born. I am sent t9 get things for mom, Gail and Belinda. Christian is getting everything ready to fly us to the hospital. He is waiting for Jason and Anastasia to arrive to gather the suitcase for Kate to take with her. I am wiping down Kay's forehead and holding her up so she can push the baby out. Soon I hear a tiny whimper. I look at our baby girl and think good she is going to be a quiet girl. Boy was I wrong about that. Ava Mae Grey became very loud when she was being cleaned up. We get Kate to the hospital via the helicopter. Soon everyone arrive to see Ava.

Kate was ready for her hospital bag by the time we arrive. Maddie is here with Theo and they know that I am two weeks late and are watching me for any signs of labor. Christian is as well. He had his pilot come and retrieve the helicopter from the hospital landing area. Why all of us bought property an hour from our workplace amazes me. Mia decided to buy me out of the salons and I agreed to let her. She got a great deal and her profits started going up and she has expanded even further. She has plenty of staff and all are very happy. I keep needing to pee and can't seem to pee once I get there. Belinda has been assuring I am safe. Ethan looks like he hasn't been sleeping much lately. Mia says it is because the girls have been having nightmares since the put them in separate rooms. They decided to go back to letting them sleep in the same room again. Tonight was the first night they went back to sleep in the same room again. They are having baby three and four possibly.

I am finally in a nice robe and gown and cleaned up. They bring Ava in to see if she will latch onto my breast and she definitely is as loud as Elliott has told me. She catches on and soon she needs burped and I switch sides. She is very healthy and nothing is wrong with her except she was in a big hurry to be born. She looks like Elliott and eats like him as well. He takes her and changes her little diaper. We took classes and m9m laughed because we had three we could have taken care of and learned to do it, but we chose to pay someone to teach us. I have to say that I was too busy moving up at Kavanagh Media. I look at Anastasia and she looks ill. She starts walking to the restroom but passes out. Christian caught her before she hit the floor and laid her on the sofa. I hit the call button for the nurse.

I just can't catch my breath, I don't know what is going on. I get up to go to the restroom and everything goes black. I feel like I am floating through the air. I hear yelling and screaming and crying, who is crying? I see mom, dad, and my grandparents smiling at me. I am within arms reach of them and they are telling me something, something about my family needs me and I need to fight to stay with my son and husband. They will take care of Phoebe for us. I will see her in heaven when it is my time.

I almost lost Anastasia and we lost our baby girl. There was nothing they could do to save Phoebe. The trauma of her birth stopped her heart. She couldn't be brought back. I got photos of her all cleaned up and mom is making arrangements for her funeral. Anastasia is in a coma because she lost a lot of blood. Anastasia was a strong believer about organ donations and we had very little time to decide to donate Phoebes viable organs. Three minutes is all I had to decide to give another person the gift of life. I chose to immediately. I couldn't watch as they harvested our daughters tiny organs. Mom assured me that she was closed up and she could be photographed. Her eyes were my color. She had Anastasia's hair color. I kiss Anastasia every morning and evening. Three weeks later she wakes up. I hug her and kiss her.

I finally wake up by feeling lips on mine. The man standing over me is crying and asking me to wake up. So I do and he is quite good looking. I see a lady walk over to me and she talks to me about how I am feeling. I see the man press a button on my bed . Suddenly people come into the room. They are checking me over and checking my eyes and asking me all kinds of questions. I don't think I know who I am, but apparently they know me and love me. A vision of what I saw in my dreams flashes before my eyes and I am back with my parents and grandparents once again and they are holding a newborn baby and telling me that she is safe now with them. Her eyes are grey like her fathers they tell me. I look up and the man has gray eyes looking at me calling me Anastasia. I cry out for Phoebe. I know now that our baby died. The man is Christian my husband. I cry for our baby.

I need to tell her that Phoebe's death saved other tiny lives. We will go to see her headstone and bring her flowers. Teddy just knows his baby sister is in heaven with his mothers parents and grandparents now. Mom and dad have helped me get though this. It was hard to stand there holding Teddy as I watched Phoebe Lynn Grey being lowered into the ground. She was beautiful and I got photos of her and mom got some of her with me and Anastasia. Mom told me that all the organs that she gave saved lives and eyesight. I couldn't donate her skin though. We found her a perfect outfit to wear at the wake. Grandma held my hand and said she is there for us whenever we needed her. She and mom lost babies as well. Mom was a miracle birth. Sadly this overshadowed the birth of Ava and she should have been celebrated. I made it up to Kate and Elliott and I think they never expected any more from me because of our loss.

I finally got my memory back and it hit me hard about our baby. It hurt worse seeing her photos and then her headstone. Teddy was with Mia and her daughters when we went to the graveyard. I don't think I remember seeing her in the dreams with her eyes open. I was just told the color of her eyes.

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