The Lincoln's Leave Seattle

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I can't stop the clients from leaving after Elena was found guilty of all charges at each trial. All three children were fired for being lazy at the salons. So I sold the shipyard, houses and all properties I was able to and got the hell out if Seattle before I was run out in a rail. Even though Elena was behind all those victims, we found out she had been involved in the hotel victims as well. Jack was an old friend along with the hotel manager. That was not the only hotel that it had happened at and they tied it to Elena after finding her hidden cabin. They found a lot of things there concerning the hotel rooms. All I can say is that I had no idea what she had been doing. But she used the shipping yard to move people. I had no idea until a shipment wasn't made and we checked the container. Luckily everyone was still alive, starving and dehydrated but alive. I paid for all their hospital bills. Luckily I got a small portion of the sale of the salons. The kids thought they were going to ride my coattails out of Seattle, but I told them to find their own ways in the world. I am not supporting three grown college graduates for the rest of their lives. I gave them a thousand dollars each and told them to enjoy their inheritance early. Tia, Asia and Todd just looked at me as I drove off leaving them to grab their possessions from the storage units that I paid for after the sale of each of their apartments. They were able to keep their cars though. Elena put them in their names after we were sued by a family member who was injured by Todd in a wreck. Our names were on the insurance and title. We placed the cars in each of their names from then on. They had to insure and register them in their own names from then on.

I can't believe dad is leaving us high and dry after we all were fired from the salons. Now we don't have a place to live except our cars. Our things are in storage and only for a month. He sold everything he could and he is moving where no one can find him again.

The idea is humorous to me, I knew this day would come and here it is. I mean I at least saved my money and put it to good use. I rented a place that I could afford and I am working again. For some reason I sensed mom was up to things and I just planned a failsafe for me to save myself. I don't know what Asia and Todd are going to do, but I am going to sell all this expensive furniture to a decorator who has offered me a third of what it cost and she has hired me on top of it. I am going to work behind the scenes while she takes credit for my designs. Gia Matteo has me by the short hairs for now, but soon I will not need her mask to get my name out there as a good designer.

I found a job as a mechanic, something I have always been good at, but my parents discouraged me finding work as one. I can work on all types of engines, from all cars, boats and aircraft of any type. I have all the certifications to work on all of them. It took a lot of time and money to get it done, but I did. I can move right back into my apartment. I bought it back and I have my things put right back where they belong. Guess Tia is going to need a place to live though. I could hire her to clean my place. She does have OCD and will make sure it is spotless. I offer her a place to live after Asia leaves and explain what I want in exchange for a roof over her head. We move her things with mine into my apartment. Our parents, well my mom had always pushed us to marry wealthy. Namely the Grey children. I personally didn't like Mia and she felt the same way. Tia and Asia were resistant to marrying at all with mom pushing them so hard.

Gia Matteo
I got a lot of furniture for very little money and I am going to double what I paid for it. Tia has a great eye and can design quickly and make one of a kind pieces at a whim. I can slap my name on them and call them mine. Since I had her sign that contract with the clause in it that everything she designs while in my employ her are my intellectual property. I love desperate people, I employ a lot of them. It is how I am growing m business and my bank accounts. I am going to be designing a new house for Christian and Anastasia Grey. Talk about walking sex, Christian Grey just oozes sexuality and is hot as hell. Elliott Grey is the same, but I don't believe that Kate his wife would allow me anywhere near him because we have dated at one time. I plan to get Christian alone and have my way with him.

I don't like Gia Matteo and Kate doesn't either. So when Christian hired her to come up with designs for the new house. I told him that I would take care of everything dealing with the designs and he wouldn't need to come to any of the meetings. What a surprise she will get when I arrive and not Christian. She was adamant that he arrive when all the workers were gone. Telling him that it would be easier for him to see what needed to be done to the house rather than use my ideas. She wants it to look like a home she would live in, not one I would live in. Could she be any more obvious? I arrive and have been watching her along with Kate from a location that we can see her and she can't see us. I start recording her looking at the time on her phone. She has unbuttoned her blouse and it's off and nothing is underneath it. Then her skirt again nothing underneath it.

Show time Anastasia, I play a recording of Christian asking where everyone is and Gia walks out naked thinking that Christian has arrived. I walk in and then Anastasia comes in as well. Gia can't grab her clothing because they are in my hands. We are still recording everything.

Miss Slutty Matteo, did you think that you were meeting with Christian and that is why your clothes are in my friends hands? Why aren't they on your body? I laugh and point out that she is a little flabby and has she not been to a gym in a while? Is this your way of getting a man? I bet you have cameras to catch him with you naked don't you? Did you think he would hide something like this from me or did you have another idea in mind? Blackmail maybe? Hey we could ruin you by uploading everything to the internet. Kate what do you think we should do?

I think hitting send would be a good idea so she can't do this to anyone else again. Plus it might help get the guys off the hook for her blackmail schemes. Let her go, but we need to have the place exterminated for bugs, who knows what else she could have done. Security helps remove her from the property after I finally give her permission to put on her clothing. We made sure security guards were present when she put her clothing back on. I tell her that I can send it at any point in time. I also tell her to stay away from all the Grey families especially the men.

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