Chapter 15

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Two Months Later

Ruffnut smirked slightly as she dumped water onto Kala's head to rinse her hair out and the young dragoness screeched in surprise and jumped within the tub. She glared at the female Thorston as she shivered from the cold water.

"Why in Akatosh's name did you dump cold water on me?!" She asked as she tried to warm herself back up by sinking lower into the warm water.

"Uh, because it's tradition for the bride to wash in cold water? Duh." Ruffnut said with a giggle.

Kala grumbled and sank further into the tub, rubbing at her arms and legs to wash away any dirt that had collected upon her skin since her last washing.

"Ruff, stop messing with her already and help me finish the sewing will ya?" Heather asked, annoyed as she sewed together the black wolf fur cloak that would go with Kala's dress.

Ruffnut groaned and went over to Heather as she dropped the bucket and plopped down beside her, proceeding to help with the sewing reluctantly. "Ugh. Fine. Buzzkill."

Nanna shook her head with a smile as she focused on braiding together the snowdrops that would make up Kala's headpiece. Every once and a while she would add in a crystal from Night Fury Isles that Revna provided for the flower crown, being extra careful to not crack them or ruin the petals of the snowdrops as she went.

As the girls were working on Kala's accessories, Revna ran her hands over the white dress her daughter would wear with gentle care. She had a curious yet confused look upon her face as she looked it over then looked towards the girls.

"Why must my daughter wear this? Can she not wear normal attire?" She asked with her head tilted to the side, wanting to understand.

Nanna looked up and smiled warmly at the elder Night Fury. "It is tradition for the bride to wear a dress, but most wear red, yellow, green, or blue ones. It's very rare for a bride to wear a white dress like this one. White is a hard color to come by for most tribes." She explained calmly before she went back to making the flower crown.

Revna looked back over the dress and smiled a bit. It was a very simple dress, but still looked very fancy nonetheless. It was floor length with long sleeves that had gold bands that would go around Kala's wrists. There was a off-white fabric that showed in the center of the dress that made it look like it had two layers and an intricately designed belt that would go around Kala's waist. There was also a pair of simple white shoes that rested beside the dress with the gold bands and belt.

The elder dragoness then looked back at the girls as they worked away on the accessories and tilted her head curiously once more.

"And what of the things you girls are working on?" She asked.

"The flower crown Nanna is working on usually replaces the kransen of the bride. But since Kala doesn't wear one, it's just a formality thing. As for the cloak Ruffnut and I are putting together, it's just because it's winter right now. We're just making it so that Kala has more layers for warmth." Heather explained as she began to sew in the metal fasteners which were made of gold and had Night Furies engraved into the circles that would rest on the front side of Kala's shoulders.

Nanna and Ruffnut nodded in agreement as they finished up their work and Revna nodded in understanding.

"I see. Have you three been to many weddings before?"

All four girls looked at one another then back at Revna.

"Heather and I were wed almost four years ago now." Nanna said with an embarrassed blush. "So we all know how these things go since this happened twice back then."

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