Chapter 10

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As the sun began to set on the fifth day of travel for the Berkians, they finally landed on the first island they had seen since they left the previous resting island that morning.

Kala looked at Valka as the chieftess dismounted Cloudjumper's back. "Will this place do for now?"

"Yes, I believe it will. It's easily defendable. Hidden. Alright! We'll be making base here for the time being! Go ahead and begin settling in, but only temporary housing until we know for sure that this will be a permanent home!" Valka ordered and cheers erupted from the tribe.

Kala dismounted Hiccup's back and began to remove their belongings as the tribe dispersed to set up a temporary village. As she was getting the last basket off, Valka came over to them with the other riders in tow.

"Now that we have a base of operations. I need all of you to work on finding out if we were followed by Grimmel and see what he is planning. I need some of you to go back to the old island to make sure we weren't tracked. The rest of you that don't go, just stay here for now and help with settling in and getting this place defended. Understood?" Valka asked and all of the riders nodded in understanding. "Good. See to it."

Valka then left to tend to the tribe to leave the riders to plan.

"Heather and I can head back. Windshear and Stormfly are the fastest besides you and Hiccup, but you two need to stay here. Especially you Kala." Nanna said with her hands on her hips.

Kala sighed and smiled. "I know, I know. I've been reminded of my condition plenty this past week. Not to mention, I don't think it would be safe for Hiccup and I to go back anyways. You guys okay with Nanna and Heather going?" She asked as she looked at the other riders for confirmation.

Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins all nodded in agreement and Kala smiled.

"Great. Then it's settled. Nanna and Heather will double back to make sure we weren't followed and the rest of us will stay here and help with settling in and protect the tribe."


When night fell, everyone had their temporary huts set up and were all fast asleep as the exhaustion from the journey caught up to them.

Especially me. While I may not have been the one flying, being awake and constantly aware of your surroundings to make sure you are safe is draining. And that's not even considering the loss of energy from flying for hours on end on Hiccup's back.

Before we ended up crashing from exhaustion from the long day of travel, Hiccup and I plowed through what we were able to salvage of Dad's notes from the wreckage that once was our home. We weren't able to get that far, though, and ended up falling asleep after about an hour.

I woke up with a start as I sensed something nearby, then when I realized what the sensation was, my eyes widened.

'The Light Fury! She was still following us after she tossed me off Hiccup's back?'

I sat up and shook Hiccup, the journal he was looking through before we fell asleep falling off his face as I did.

He woke up and looked at me with sleep filled eyes and a confused face. "Wha..?"

"The Light Fury's back.." I said quietly, not wanting to accidentally wake up anyone else in the tribe as I bounced in place on the makeshift bed.

Hiccup's eyes widened as he sat up, now wide awake. "She is..? Well then let's go find her..!"

I nodded as the both of us got up and dressed, leaving behind any armor or accessories in our rush, then Hiccup transformed just in case and we left our hut and followed where the sensation was coming from. I stayed by his side as he held his wing out slightly as a way of telling me to stay close to him as we got closer to where the Light Fury was hiding.

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