🦋36.Broken Trust?🦋

Start from the beginning

I smiled at him.

Don't worry Lek even if his reason can my heart, I won't break his.

I said and left to search for Pete. On our way, Cal was trying to call Pete's friends whom I could recall, from my phone.

I called Pete's friend khun Porsche

What did he say?

He said he don't know where Pete is. But hearing the situation he said he is going to ask all of his friends about Pete. If he finds him he will let us know.

Hmm then try calling Porschay, Porsche's brother. I saw him being close to Pete many times.

I called him already but he didn't answer my call. Later he texted me saying he and his boyfriend is on a date so they don't know where Pete went.

Oh...did you ask him whether there is any department party or birthday of any guy in his department?

Hmm, he said there is none like that.

I sighed. That's all I can think of. Though Pete is an outgoing person he had very limited friends in his life. So now I have to search for Pete based on the places he will go to frequently.

And first place that comes to my mind that Pete goes often is the bar. So I sped up to Yok's bar. The same bar where Tay and I had a fight about Pete.

P'Yok, did Pete come here?

Pete? You mean your cute faen?

Yeah, phi. But now he is my fiancee. And soon to be my husband.


He said he is going to a party and he isn't home still.

Party? There isn't any party going on here don't. And also as far as I remember I didn't see Nong Pete here.

Oh, thank you phi. Call me if he comes here.

Sure nong.

Next, we went to his university, but he was not there. Then to his favorite food stalls, no. To public places like parks, hotels, and party halls, and also to nearby condos where his classmates live but the answer was only no no no.

Everywhere...I went everywhere to search for him despite my exhaustion. My eyes were dropping and my legs felt heavy. I barely had three hours of sleep yesterday.

And I saw my watch to know it was 1.15 a.m. Still an hour left for the time Pete said he will return home.

But the fatigue and unfruitful efforts of my search started to make me feel frustrated. Made me useless. I can't even find my husband. Then what is the use of being rich?

Lastly, I went to the beach but it was again in vain. There was not a single soul other at this time.

Fyck fyck fyck.....where are you Pete!?

I yelled kicking my car tire again and again.

Hey, calm down man.

Cal tried to comfort me about my frustration. But it was backfiring due to my emotions. His calm voice somehow made me feel agitated.

CALM DOWN!? Don't you care for him?

Of course, I do Vegas. That's why I am here with you.

Then how can you ask me to calm down in this situation?

Vegas I am advising as a brother to Pete. I know, right now you are hurt. Hurt by the millions of questions invading your heart. But listen anger isn't going to be a solution for this.

All we need is Love - Vegas PeteWhere stories live. Discover now