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Disclaimer: I own nothing but some of the plot.



"Yeah, yeah, we know," Emmett said. "Behave for a few hours, don't mess with the hose, don't swing axes, knives, chainsaws, or any form of cutlery around."

"No going on shady websites on the internet," Alice followed with a pout. Honestly, it had been only a three-time accident!

"No leaving the house to follow anyone else," Edward continued.

"No yeeting our siblings out the window when they're too annoying," an annoyed Rosalie said with a scowl.

"And I'm in charge," finished Jasper with a smirk.

"Carlisle, we have to leave now!" Esme called from the car as she finished loading the trunk with the food packages.

"Coming!" Carlisle gave them all one last look. "Everyone, listen to Jasper, he's in charge. Or else I'm taking away your Christmas gifts."

They hurriedly nodded, knowing he meant it.

Emmett, Rosalie, Edward, Alice, and Jasper watched them leave, waiting until they were a speck in the distance and out of vampire hearing range before cheering. Emmett claimed the couch in front of the TV and switched on a sports channel. Rosalie and Alice were comparing their Christmas gifts and Edward was staring at the quilt Jasper got him.

He ran his fingers over it, traced every animal and forced himself to think of nothing but the colors, but it was futile, and not just because Emmett's mind was blaring loudly while he watched his sports game. He played one of his old music records and he thought and thought and thought.

Eventually, his mind drifted to Holly. How could it not? She was the reason this was happening, he was sure of it.

He hadn't realized it before, but she was also the reason he'd broken up with Bella. Indirectly, of course, but if that vivacious redhead hadn't come to Forks, Edward wondered if he'd have broken up with Bella for good. He already knew he wasn't good for her, but now, he realized Bella wasn't good for him either.

What they'd had, it wasn't love. It couldn't have been. It was unhealthy, it was addicting, it was wrong, and it was not love. Bella was obsessed with sticking her nose where it didn't belong, being immortal, both things Edward didn't approve of.

A moment later, he realized he was being hypocritical. He, too, stuck his nose where it didn't belong and had no respect for others' privacy either. But he was learning. Bella wasn't. Edward didn't think she would ever learn.

Red for lion, blue for eagle, green for snake, and yellow for badger, he remembered, focusing. What is the connection?


"I'm bored," Emmet declared, lifting Rosalie up with one arm and plopping her on his lap. "Let's play a game."

Rosalie grumbled in protest, but they were silenced by Emmett's neck kisses. Edward rolled his eyes, knowing that if they didn't stop soon, they were going to have to get a room. At least Alice and Jasper kept their horniness behind closed doors.

"No one wants to play a game, Emmett," Edward said.

Alice raised an eyebrow. "I wanna play."

Rosalie wiggled on Emmett's lap. "So do I."

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 {𝐄𝐃𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍}Where stories live. Discover now