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Disclaimer: I own nothing but some of the plot.


THE NEXT MONTH WAS SPENT CALMING HOLLY DOWN so that she wouldn't blow up when she saw Cedric/Edward at school for the first time and sprucing up the house.

Neville would be the one to work in the garden (with occasional help from Holly and Luna), pulling the weeds, mowing the lawn, and removing and planting some flowers and herbs.

Inside, Luna and Holly set up furniture and Kreacher managed the kitchen. The House-Elf was, unsurprisingly, the first one to finish with a room. It was a good thing everything in the kitchen was set up in a day, even if that only happened because everyone was using magic to make everything go faster.

Which was what led to Holly and Luna trekking to the nearest supermarket to shop for groceries. Sure, they had a car—two cars, actually—but Luna insisted on walking and admiring the greenery of Forks because she'd been cooped up, unpacking for too long.

Holly had to admit that the long walk was worth it. Mossy greeness covered the trees and rocks, as well as most of the trail they were on, and the sky was barely visible through the grey clouds. Forget the sun, it must have been a rare sighting.

Her thoughts drifted back to him. Why's he choose such a gray place? She recalled a time when he told her that if he were to live anywhere for the rest of his life it would be one of the sunniest places on Earth. He'd also said that if he were to live anywhere, she'd have to be there too, but wasn't relevant.

The supermarket was small, but it held the sufficient needs for all the girls required. Holly rubbed her hands together eagerly.

"Okay, what do we need?"

"Everything," said Luna, laughing.

They grabbed two trolleys and started at the dairy section with milk, eggs, and yogurt. However, Holly realized that this was going to take too long and she wanted to get back to the book she had been reading before Luna dragged her out of the house.

"Hey, Luna, how about we split up?" suggested Holly. "You go to the bakery aisle and I'll go get the canned stuff. Here, I'll split the list."

Now Holly had the top part of the list and Luna the bottom.

Holly: Cereal, dry goods, canned goods, frozen foods, and cleaning products.

Luna: Baking goods, condiments, candy and snacks, bread, drinks, and nuts.

"Meet you back here in twenty minutes?"


They split up. Holly had some trouble at the start—she had no idea which kind of cereal was good for them, until ultimately deciding on three types: Frosted Flakes, Coco Pops, and Lucky Charms.

"Luna will love this," she snorted, putting the last one in her trolley.

She moved onto dry goods, heaving two bags of rice and about fifteen packets of two-minute noodles. Holly was not oblivious to the looks she was getting from the other shoppers. Clearly Forks was a small town and word of the new young arrivals from England had spread. She didn't even try to shrink back as she had done when she was eleven. She was a young adult now, a woman who'd seen the worst and best of the best.

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 {𝐄𝐃𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora