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Disclaimer: I own nothing but some of the plot.


HOLLY KNEW SHE COULDN'T HIDE FROM THE CULLENS FOREVER. She didn't plan to either. She just needed to disappear for a bit. At least, until she could figure things out. 

Also, Christmas was coming up in two weeks and she sure as hell wasn't going to miss Ginny and Draco's party at Malfoy Manor. 

She was currently pacing restlessly as she rehearsed ways to tell the Cullens that Edward's real name was Cedric and that he was her longly-presumed-dead boyfriend.

"'Your name is really Cedric. Cedric Diggory? Does it ring a bell? We used to da—' No, no, no! I can't just jump right into it! I've got to approach the subject carefully!"

She picked at some loose thread on her ripped jeans as she started over. 

"'Look, we know you and your family are vampires, okay? Can we discuss this over some tea—' AGH!"

To vent her frustrations out, she punched her pillow. It didn't solve her dilemma, but it gave her something to do. After a thoroughly beating up the poor pillow, Holly decided she might as well rifle through some of her parents' old school stuff.  The wall still held the picture of the picture of the four marauders—although the rat had been blasted off.

She shuffled through photographs of her parents' wedding. She chuckled a little, seeing a tipsy Sirius in the corner leaning of an annoyed Remus. He seemed to be rising a wine-filled goblet to the newly weds. He seemed to have drunk much already, as the goblet a showing and swishing with his body or maybe he was just swaying to the muted music.

Nah, he was definitely drunk. This was Sirius Black, after all.

Holly was tugged out of her musings by a tentative knock at the door. A moment later, Luna poked her head in, smiling sheepishly as she held up two mugs of hot chocolate.
"Heard you laughing and I assumed you were finally taking a break," she confessed, handing a warm mug to her redhead best friend. "And yes, I was eavesdropping."

Holly chuckled. That was one of the things she liked about Luna: she was always honest, blunt, but not uncaringly like Ron. She was bluntly honest, but also optimistic. Always trying to look on the bright side of things. Holly could get behind that.

"So . . . have you thought up anything yet?" Luna probed, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Nope," Holly said, popping the 'p' like she always did.

Luna nodded, humming a little and she rocked back and forth, sipping her drink. She seemed to be deep in thought. So was Holly.

Something had been on her mind; she had been so worried about how to make Cedric remember her, she was open to advice from all of her friends, even Draco. He had taken the situation very seriously and actually told her to lie down on a soft couch in his office in Malfoy Manor. Ginny had been out with Luna, shopping for some cute winter wear as Ginny was on her Winter Break. It was time like these that reminded Holly that Ginny was still seventeen and, as such, still a student attending Hogwarts.

Holly shook her head slightly, letting her loose hair swat against her face. She pushed it back with two fingers, moving it from her lips to sip another gulp of her sweet beverage.

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 {𝐄𝐃𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍}Where stories live. Discover now