The Woman in the Painting

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He chuckled while tilting his head to look at me. His gaze felt intimidating. Like he was sizing me up to find a way to take me out of the equation.

“What more do you want, Kane?” Alex asked him. “You have Alice. Why are you still after me and Anna?”

Kane looked down at the bags we had packed. He chuckled slightly before nodding his head.

“Where do you think you are going?” He asked pointing to the bags.

“Don’t worry about it. I will be out of your way, and you can be king forever,” Alex said.  

“Now that’s just no fun. I would miss picking on my younger brother,” Kane said before looking at me. “As for this girl behind you, I can see why you chose her… Did you choose her instead of the other girl on purpose?”

Sophia never took her eyes off me. She watched me like a hawk, as if I would do something. I was more afraid of the two of them. When our eyes meet, she smiles at me, showing her fangs.

“No, Kane!” Alex said while slightly raising his voice.

He took a step backwards when Kane stepped forward. His facial expression is sinister. Kane looked as if he was ready to strangle his brother. I could tell he felt intimidated by Alex.

“How dare you raise your voice to me!” Kane yelled, as he raised his hand at us.  

Fearing his wrath, I closed my eyes and shielded myself from him. Flinching was something I was used to, but not from a man. Let alone a vampire with extraordinary strength.

After I heard Alex grunt, I opened my eyes. Kane is holding Alex up by his shirt. Before I can run for the door, Sophia approaches me, cracking her knuckles. All of a sudden, she stops dead in her tracks.

“Anna!” Alice’s voice echoed in my head. 

I guess everyone heard her, because they were all looking around. Alex struggles to free himself from Kane’s grip. He returns his attention to Alex, and gives him an evil grin.

“Well, it looks like it’s time to have some fun with our guests,” Kane said, as he lowered Alex to his feet.

Sophia grabbed my arm, and I closed my eyes while screaming. When I opened my eyes, I realized we were no longer in the same room. We were now downstairs, and in the center of the living room. Did we teleport?

“Call for her,” Kane said as he pushed Alex onto the floor.

Kane kicked Alex a few times, before holding him down by stepping on his back with his right foot. Sophia stood behind me with a knife in her hand. She pressed the blade against my throat, but I remained silent. I couldn’t set up Alice. She would never forgive me.

“Call for her!” Kane yelled.

 Sophia pulled my hair, accidentally nicking my neck with the knife. I hissed at the pain. She licked my blood from the tip of the knife, before placing it back on my throat.

“Anna, please. Just call out for her. So they won’t hurt you,” Alex said as he tried to stand.

Kane pushed him flat onto the ground. He kneeled down, and grabbed Alex by the hair. Kane forced Alex to look up at me. I could tell he was in pain. He was forcing my hand in this situation. I had no choice. I just hope Alice has a plan.

“Okay. Okay!” I yelled. “I’ll do it, just stop hurting him.”

“What are you waiting for?” Kane asked while letting go of Alex’s hair.

Alex looked up at me with an apologetic expression on his face. I looked away from him when Sophia’s grip on my hair tightened.

“Alice! I’m in here!” I called for her, “Help me, Alice!”

“Anna?” I heard Alice’s voice ask me in my head. 

I looked around the room until I saw a bloody handprint on the half-opened door. On the other side of the door, I could hear footsteps approaching quickly. She came bursting through the door, nearly knocking it off its hinges. Our eyes met, and I instantly felt slightly relieved. She smiles at me, but she doesn’t look happy. I can tell she missed me too.

“Alice! Please get me out of here,” I begged as a tear escaped my eye.

“Let her go!” Alice’s voice rang in all of our heads.

She approached us cautiously, as Kane finally let Alex stand up.

“Get her, Alex!” Kane demanded while pushing Alex in Alice’s direction.

Alice looked at me and nodded. I knew just what to do. This was something we had trained for in our self-defense classes.

“I’m sorry, Anna,” Alex said, as he stepped towards Alice.  

“You promised you wouldn’t let him take her!” I yelled.

“Promises were meant to be broken,” Sophia said with a snicker.

Alice then changed into her banshee form, just as Alex grabbed her. She used all of her strength to push Alex away. He flew against the wall, hitting his head on the wooden dresser after falling forward. He went unconscious.

I head-butted Sophia with the back of my head, breaking her nose. She pinched her nose, trying to stop the bleeding. Kane attempts to grab me, but Alice charges him, sending him flying across the room. He hit the couch while in the air, causing him to flip over it.

Alice grabbed my hand, pulling me in the direction of the door. Sophia tried to stop us, but Alice threatened her with the gun she had in her hand. She raises her hands and smirks at us while shaking her head.

“I will never follow you or your stupid rules!” I said to Kane before we rushed out of the room.

She led me into a random room. It’s almost completely empty, except for a few items. I’m guessing it’s a slave’s bedroom.

“I’m so glad to see you,” I said after catching my breath.

She crossed her arms, while giving me the look she always made when she was upset with me.

“Why did you run away from me when I first got here?” she asked me.  

I sighed.  

“I fell in love with a vampire, Alice,” I said while shaking my head. “I know it was stupid and I’m naïve.”

The words just slipped out. I could tell that she wasn’t pleased with my answer. She seemed more disappointed in me than anything. Of all people, I thought she would be the one who would understand.

“With one of those terrible blood suckers?” Alice asked me. “They are not like vampires in most movies, they’re much worse. They are bad news,” she rambled on.

I gasped after hearing her say those things. How could she say something like that? Surely she must know I am one of them by now. Or maybe she didn’t. So I made the decision to not only tell her, but to also show her.

After explaining what had happened, I turned into my vampire form right before her eyes. Her eyes grew wide as she gasped. She began to point behind me. I prepared myself for what was about to happen, thinking they had found us.

I slowly turned around. I was surprised by what I thought was myself looking into a mirror. Only to see that it was a painting. The woman in the painting looked exactly like me. She even wore the same dress and jewelry as I am wearing right now. I touched the locket on the chain around my neck. It belonged to her.


His first love. He had me dress up to look like her. The feeling of betrayal set in. Maybe he didn’t love me. Maybe he just loved the idea of me replacing the girl in this photo. Taking her place by his side.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora