141: Not Worth My Soul

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"We're just talking about who's going to go with them and Fall to get the relic," Sun said.

"I could go," Jaune said.

By which he meant he wanted to watch Cinder.

"Just me," he added.

"No, I'll go also," Pyrrha said.

"No," Jaune said to her.

"Yes," she said, narrowing her eyes.

"No, as team leader, I am forbidding you to go back to Beacon," Jaune said.

"As a full fledged huntress now, Jaune, I'm going," Pyrrha argued firmly. "This is my decision."

"I didn't think you'd want to be anywhere near me," Cinder said nastily.

"Shut up!" Jaune snapped at her.

"It's not about you," Pyrrha glanced at Cinder. "It's about making sure we get that relic. I don't intend to fight you. But they'll be grimm, won't there? Once it's out. I could help. Anyway, I haven't seen Beacon since I died there, I'm curious to see what it looks like."

"You won't like it," Ren said. "And this is a bad idea."

"If you go we go," Nora said.

"Maybe all of us should," Yang said. 

"Okay, look, if you want to come," Shine said. "Just be aware that I'm not allowing all of you to go to the vault. I want to keep that group small. There's going to be grimm, like Pyrrha said, outside. We'll need people to have our backs. And Salem will be expecting us to go to Beacon soon, if Watts has kept her informed the way I asked."

Watts made a sort of informal salute with two fingers.

"So, there you have it," Shine said. "We'll need a guard, but getting the relic should be the easy part."

"And what makes you think she won't just try to kill you as soon as she gets it," Jaune looked at Cinder.

"Give me ideas," Cinder said.

"I told you to shut up!" he said.

"I'm the Maiden aren't I?" Cinder said. "You people just can't stand that one of us has these precious powers can you? You want them all, but you're not the only one who can get them!"

"You're not helping your case, lady," Wally said to her.

"She's not trying to," Shine said calmly. "And after all, I did say she'd get a fair shot at taking the relic. What's the big deal?"

"Because if she gets it, we only have one left," Ren said.

"Oh wow," Shine frowned. "I can't count, you're right Ren, that had totally slipped my mind. I guess my whole plan is going out the window now that I remembered that one critical detail. Sorry Cinder, we're not going."

"Oh that is just bull," Cinder said. "If you thought I could take the d--- thing, you'd not be taking me right to it, so what is the problem?!"

As soon as she said it everyone was shocked, including herself, because it all seemed so clear then, Shine didn't think for one second that Cinder was going to pull it off.

So why had Cinder even agreed to this?

Watts even looked surprised. So she was aware of her limitations?

Silence reigned for a moment, then Shine, as if nothing had happened, said: "So, we should leave after sunset. I'd prefer it if Tyrian didn't see us go, if he's still watching the place. At least if we go by night, he can't be sure where we're going or who's with us. We'll take the ship you brought with you. I'm sure Winter will allow us to use it a bit longer. When she arrives back tomorrow, be sure you all take the precautions we've talked about. And be ready to move. I want you to follow us to Beacon within a day or two. Wait for our signal. You could try to get another ship. Or we could send it back for you. We cannot stay in any one place too long, Salem will drive us out by sheer numbers. But it takes too much energy to keep attacking the city repeatedly if she doesn't have to, while we're somewhere else, so she'll move on. For now."

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