Chapter 9

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Viola's care was more effective than I thought.

When the meal that she hand-fed me was over, she came up to the bed and gently relaxed my tight muscles and massaged them, and even took care of the snacks and did her part well.

To my surprise, the next day, I could walk around without a hitch.

It would have been a perfect healing time if it wasn't for her quiet presence.

For a while, I was happy to get a healthy body in return for having an uncomfortable day.

When I heard Viola take a vacation again, I was surprised and tiredly tried to dissuade her.

"I'm worried that people will lose trust in Sister just because of me."

As she put her hands together and looked up eagerly, she unexpectedly nodded her head and went to work.

Then Liliana, who noticed Viola was away, approached me to go out together.

I could see her wish to go to the salon, but fortunately, she had to be away for a while because of Mother's call.

I didn't intend to miss this opportunity.

"Isabel! Help me get ready to go out!"

"Yes, miss!"

When she heard I was going out, Isabel excitedly started to help me dress up without knowing where I was going.

It wasn't until I wore my favorite light dress and tied a hat's ribbon under my chin that she asked for my destination.

"Huh? Where I am going? Of course, it's the temple."

"Yes? It-it's not the salon?"

"Then I'll be back."

"M-miss! At least take a knight with you!"

"I'll be right back, so don't worry. There's no way my safety could be threatened in the first place."

No matter how corrupt the temple is, it is also a place where faithful believers still visit.

It goes without saying that there are no stupid people who would do nonsense in broad daylight like this.

I left the mansion in a carriage, leaving Isabel with her worried farewell behind.

✲ ✲ ✲

There's only one reason I like the temple.

The temple on weekdays is quiet because there aren't many visitors, so it's a good place to spend time alone.

It's nice to be able to organize my complicated head, and true to the name of the temple, it's filled with holy energy, so I find peace of mind whenever I come here.

Rumors that it's a corrupt temple and that there are no right priests left can't stop me.

The temple is so beautiful, and it's a place of peace for me.

It used to be like that until a little while ago.

'I should have brought a knight, as Isabel said.'

I didn't want to stand out for no reason, so I didn't have knights to accompany me.

If I had known that I would be caught up in such a troublesome thing, I would have brought out a knight.

Yeah, when does the world ever go the way I want it to?

"I've never seen anyone as faithful as Lady. How happy God must be if He watched this."

"Yes. Of course."

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