Chapter 8

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"M-my day!"

The sunset outside the window clearly showed that my day had disappeared into sleep.

As I couldn't take my eyes off the window with surprised eyes, I heard laughter from the side.

Mother must have been sitting next to me just as she had promised before I went to sleep.

I smiled as it warmed my heart and Mother also smiled as well.

"Viola must have been very worried about you."

With a gentle hand, Mother brushed the hair off my forehead and continued to speak.

"She has been calling home even after she went to work. Are you all right, or are you awake? It was bothersome to answer her. I am sure she'll keep contacting me."

I smiled awkwardly at Mother's mischievous remarks.

"Liliana also kept checking to see if you were okay. I'm so glad you get along with your sisters."

Mother who spoke those words with a smile on her lips looked really happy.

'It's really strange. What's wrong with both of them?'

Normally, the two of them wouldn't even care about me being sick.

Rather, it would more plausible if they sent a stinging look, asking if I got hurt again.

I stared at Mother's smile and wiggled my hands for no reason.


A weak voice naturally leaked out in front of my mother.

"What's wrong, my Daisy?"

"My sisters..."

The moment I tried to say that they were strange, I heard a knock.

"Honey, is Daisy okay?"

Father's voice was full of worries, so I hurriedly changed my words.

"I'm fine, so come on in!"

At my words, the sturdy new door slowly opened and my father, still in his uniform, entered the room.

He couldn't even change his clothes and ran right away after work, so I smiled and let out a small sigh.

"I'm not sick at all."

"You always say you're okay."

Father's worried hand gently stroked my hair.

I smiled at the careful but affectionate touch.

I, who had been weak since I was young, often caught a cold whenever the season changed, so I used to get sick for more than a week as it didn't get better easily.

It was a miracle to be so healthy now because I was told that I could die before becoming an adult due to my weak body.

As a result, my parents were very sensitive to my illness.

They also knew that I felt sorry that they couldn't pay much attention to my sisters because they cared about me who couldn't get out of bed since I was a child.

"More importantly, Daisy, what was it about your sisters?"

Mother asked back the words that had been cut for a while due to my father's appearance.

I tried to open my mouth, but in the end, I couldn't open it and shut it tight.

'I don't want to make you worry more about my problems.'

Both of you seem to be barely getting rid of your worries, I don't want to pour cold water on you for no reason.

T/L note: pour cold water = spoil the mood.

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