17: New York City Police and Hatred

Start from the beginning

“Louis, not now. We seriously need get going -” I was interrupted by none other than Louis himself.

“Would you like me to help you walk?” He asked generously, eyeing me carefully.

Whoa, that was unexpected… but surprisingly sweet. Honestly, I have got no idea if this caring side of him makes me want to tone down my future plans for murder, but what do you know –maybe it will.

However, if I do agree to him helping me it will make us go slower. The consequences of that would not be my non-existent doctors appointment, but poor Louis getting arrested by the police. Leading him to hating me, and all of it will be my fault.

“Thanks Louis but I’m fine,” Once I was out of my deep train of thought, I hastily replied.

“You’re not fine, it’s obvious.” He replied, a ‘are you stupid?’ expression evident on his face.

“Then what am I?” I challenged, soon after, hearing indeed how stupid I sounded. With my arms spread somewhat wide open –still holding a child- I’m sure I looked stupid too.

“I can tell you what you need, but only you can tell yourself who you are.” Wow, he’s trying to sound wise. Sadly, it made enough sense –at least more than what I was making.

“What do I need exactly?” I curiously asked.

“Help.” Man he’s good.

Composing myself and standing up tall, I met eyes with Louis. His fingers were fiddling with the zipper of his jacket, clearly indicating that he was nervous. Longer strands of brunette hair on his fringe was pricking his eyes, making it harder to look directly into them.

I’m too nice for my own good. Somebody give me a medal, I thought and cleared my throat. Once that got his attention and he wasn’t biting his lip and looking at the ground, I carefully passed Lux over to him. Now it’ll be easier on my ankle without the small amount of extra weight.

Smiling towards the grinning boy as if to say ‘thank you’, he replied, “I’m glad to help.”

“Great love fest guys, but we have to run.” Harry’s voice alarmingly spoke from the odd circle we’ve managed to make while standing in the middle of the path. His grassy colored eyes were focused on something behind me, so if course I looked over my shoulder.

About six armed men in black uniforms stalked their way somewhat secretively into the park by the North West entrance. People ranging from everyday New Yorkers to tourists were oblivious to the scurrying officers.

From my spot about a quarter of a mile away from the strange people, I could easily distinct the yellow patch on the left side of their chest. That patch rang a warning bell in my head.

It was the New York City police.

“Shit,” I muttered –my mind racing a million yard marathon.

Louis looked at me confused, and I could tell he was about to ask why the police were here. Hastily shaking my head at him I motioned to start moving.

“Don’t ask, just run.”


Instead of thinking of how running from the cops –who by the way have no idea who we are- would cause me to have no future, and me behind bars even though I did nothing wrong… I just thought of how this would affect all of ‘One Directions’ clean record.

Sure I’ve done the occasional vandalism that I whole-heartedly regretted, but as filthy as it sounds, at least no one other than Danni knows.

The five boys themselves, along with Miss Swift –who is currently trying to keep up with our pace– have army loads of fans that would stomp me over like last night’s leftovers. Keep in mind that will only happen if they find out that I’ve called the cops on one of their band members.

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