140: Lose Control

Start from the beginning

"That's horrible!" Pyrrha said.

"Shine could get us back now," Jaune said. "None of us has magic except Winter, and she's been okay, right? We have to go now."

"Willow," Pyrrha suddenly said. "Let me." She snatched the scroll from Winter's hand before the woman could stop her.

"The cakes I left," she said, "Raven and Cinder should eat them. It would help."

"We have no better idea..." Willow said. "Ladies!"

She actually sounded kind of authoritative there.

Raven and Cinder stopped their bickering for a moment.

"Miss Nikos left you something," Willow said, "did she not?"

"What, this?" Raven pulled it out of her belt. "You think this will--?" Then she remembered that Vara had used it.

"What is that?" Cinder said.

Raven popped one into her mouth without another word.

Then her eyes blazed with red fire.

[For clarity, that does not mean that the food is making her magic stronger. It means it's making her Aura balance stronger for the time being, allowing her to use her magic freely.]

Clouds began to collect over the house.

"I'll take care of those monsters." Raven sprang to the window to get a better look.

You could see in her eyes that for the moment she wasn't afraid of them anymore, and maybe the Grimm could tell, because they stopped spitting and hopping at the broken window.

Ice formed around the Grimm quite suddenly, freezing them all--and since they were amphibians, it killed them pretty quickly.

It froze all the ones around the house and within Raven's line of sight.

"Wow..." Whitley had no snide remark--that was just impressive.

"So she uses ice, the other girl uses wind and lightning, and you use fire." Libby looked at Cinder. "Why aren't you just roasting them?"

"Shut up," Cinder growled.

"So what does the last one use? Rain?" Libby asked.

"I don't think so," Whitley said.

[Yeah, I guess the Avatar parallels break down after that.]

"I can't believe you didn't think of that before." Watts was miffed at Raven. "You had it the whole time?"

"I've never had magic food before!" Raven snapped. "You want to complain about me saving our a---s?"

Watts shut up.

"But the boundary doesn't last forever, does it?" Willow said. "We'll have to either run or fight."

"Mother, if I may," Whitley said, "perhaps we're looking at this wrong. Those brutes aren't that clever. Can't we fortify this house in some way?"

"It's not a fortress," Libby said.

"What could we use?" Willow asked.

"Well, one could just start with the immediate use of the ice," Whitley said. "Why not freeze a layer of it around this house? That would deter those beasts if they don't like the cold."

"So one of you actually does have an iota of intelligence?" Watts said. "Color me impressed."

"Shut up," at least three people told him.

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