Chapter 12

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Tobias has been sending us round in circles for the last week, we just can't catch him, he is just too damn fast.
I collapsed onto the hotel bed. The pack house was down the road but I felt better staying at the hotel, I think it's part of Jax's saying don't get comfortable here, we will be leaving, the pack here isn't very big maybe 50 people if that.

I was in my wolf form standing in one of the woods we visited earlier today, I could feel my mates presence but I couldn't see him, I called out
"Tobias, Tobias, I've come to bring you and Caspin home, please your safe your my mate, please"
I saw the bushes move to my left "why so many people, just you"
End of dream

I woke up with a start. I realised I fell asleep in my clothes, I groaned then got off the bed and headed to the shower.
I met with Danny and Matt for breakfast. " I know how to get Tobias, he came to me in my dream last night, I think he is scared, I think he only wants to meet me, so that's what I'm going to do, I want you to stay in the car and I will go and find him"
2 hours later and now I'm not so sure, I'm standing in a clearing in the middle of the forest calling out for Tobias and I hear.......nothing absolutely nothing, another 2 hours go by and I'm sitting on the floor basically asleep when I hear a twig snap getting my attention and slowly a huge golden wolf walks out the forest growling at me.
Wow, how the hell is he bigger than me, what's he been taking I'm thinking to myself, I sit up on my elbows and watch the beautiful gold wolf slowly walk closer to me, keeping my breathing slow and steady, he is stunning he stops in front of me and tilts his head.
"Hi Tobias" he just growled at me,
"Jack shift, let me out" Jaxs said in my head
"Tobias, I'm going to shift into Jaxs. So I'm going to stand up slowly and strip ok" he just huffed so I took that as yes, I quickly stripped and fell onto four paws and walked up to Tobias and rubbed myself along his side as he watched me very closely. I felt Jaxs take over completely.

Jaxs POV
"My beautiful mate, it's so good to finally see you, I have missed you so much, why did you run so far?"
"Couldn't trust your human, he hurt Caspin, and both their fathers hurt him, no one hurts my human" he growled through our bond
"I would never, we would never hurt you or Caspin you are our mates, we love you" Tobias just snorts then turns away from me and starts to walk off, I quickly follow him
"Caspin is hurt, he is scared, he, we can't trust anyone we didn't know what to do everyone we loved lied to us"
" I know Jack is a little bit slow to get things" Tobias made a noise as if he laughed as I heard Jack in my mind "hey, not nice"
"But he has not stopped looking for you, I mean we have been following you for weeks, he left the pack under his brother, his parents and Caspin's parents are with Pack law, he would follow you anywhere, we would follow you anywhere" I said so I was standing in front of him making him stop walking, he rolled his eyes "Don't reject us my beautiful mate" I whispered through the bond "we aren't going to reject you, we thought Jack would" I growled " I would never let him, he was just confused, I think he took the love he had for Caspin as a brotherly love not a mates love....... Do you understand?" He nodded his wolf head
"I'm not ready to give up Caspin to Jack just yet, can we run?" The golden wolf didn't give me a chance to respond before he was off running through the forest, me quickly following after, how is he so fast.
After a couple of hours of hunting through the forest, we came to a cave, I could see this is where they have been living, Tobias ran into the cave and quickly reappeared with a backpack in his mouth, he tilted his head, in a follow me motion and we were off again running through the forest back to where we meet at the start, he some how grabbed the clothes on the floor with his paws and stuffed them in the bag and as quick as that we were off running again.
We finally came to a clearing which had a few abandoned houses in it, it looked like an old pack once lived here, Tobias stopped and dropped the bag and just stared at the buildings, I slowly walked over to him and sat down next to him, unsure what to do next.

Jacks POV
After a few minutes I felt Tobias change into Caspin, making me quickly change as well.
I went to speak "Jack let me talk first" he said grabbing the clothes in the bag, we got changed in silence.
The air around us was tense, I don't like waiting I have never been good, Caspin was always there to calm me down, I was smiling to myself when I looked up from my feet to see Caspin with a confused look on his face, I just shrugged my shoulders "remembering the good times" is all I said as we both turned to look at the building.
Caspin slowly walked towards the building I quickly stepped inline
"This was my pack, well our pack house, I was playing over by those trees, it was too hot so the ladies looking after us little ones moved us into the shade, if they had just taken us inside.....I....we.....this wouldn't have happened" I gently put my hand on his shoulder "but then we wouldn't have found each other" I said looking at him but he didn't look at me just at the ground. He just sighed, making Jax's whimper "I'm sorry Caspin, I never meant to hurt you" he turned his head to look at me, his eyes searching in mine, for who knows what "I just don't understand, why or how you didn't feel anything and smell anything when I turned 18, it meant to be automatic but instead you had your tongue down some girls throat, you didn't even wish me happy birthday, that's how much I meant to you" he spat out at me and pushed my hand off his shoulder and walked into the house. I ran after him "I'm so sorry Caspin, I don't  know what to say, I was stupid, I really don't know why I didn't feel the connection maybe it's because we already had a connection and it was just part of me, I'm not really explaining myself very well" I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face.
"Look Danny and Matt came here with me looking for you, we even found your pack, your parents" he turned at looked at me "Really?" He said in a whisper, I just nodded. I spent the next hour explaining everything from when he disappeared to when I found him, by the end of it, we were holding hands and I hadn't even noticed.
"I think we need to head back to your parents house which is now the pack house"

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