Chapter 3: Tale of the Wanderer Mage (Rimuru x Majo no Tabitabi)

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Work done by @elite3532 and @ParadexTM .

Enjoy ;)

3rd POV

Elaina was sitting comfortably on her broom clothed in her usual dark purple attire and her new witch hat.

Which she received from not only Fran but her mother too as a congratulation gift for becoming a proper witch...

One she is wearing on her head and the other one stocked in a dimensional storage space.

Victorica: You should take this one too, it is useful in case that one gets blown away.

Suddenly her mother's face flashed in her mind for an instant.

As well as the last conversation with her which made her feel uneasy for a moment, her face darkened slightly.

After knowing the truth, she wasn't that much angry toward her mother but the next day when she had to see her again after training was hard.

She didn't know how to act around her anymore...should she be angry? Resent or hate her?

Deep down Elaina knew that Victorica was just worried about her, she was always a doting and loving mother toward her only child...she just wanted Elaina to be ready.

That day, Elaina also felt the warmth of her mother as she hugged her apologizing with a river of tears flowing down her eyes.

That was the first and only time she had ever seen her mother cry at least in front of her.

The cold wind blasted it away as a deep sigh left Elaina's slim mouth and shortly after a smile formed on it

Elaina: Just you wait, I'll become a great witch like Nike.

Elaina:(Now that I think of it... was it because of mom that Fran-sensei changed that much?)

Looking over the horizon where she couldn't see anything else than the setting sun, trees and mountains Elaina wondered and recalled memories from the past years where she had been taught by Fran the Stardust Witch.

Elaina could remember well the day Fran had tested her for the first time and how hard and emotionally troublesome it was for her.

Fortunately, it changed for the better the next day and the following days.

On the next day when she woke up still tired from the training, her eyes still red from how much she cried.

She readied herself to prepare lunch but something unimaginable happened.

Fran: You woke up? Well I guess it was the smell of the soup, right?

Elaina: Sensei...?

Wondering if she was catched up in an illusion spell from her teacher, Elaina sat at the dining table and hesitantly grabbed a bowl without a word.

The more this continued, the more nervous she became...did her lazy teacher really made the breakfast on her own?

As soon as she took a spoon and took a sip, she began to tear up

Elaina: SenseiiiiiI!!

Fran panicked as if her skin paled as if death just passed right in front of her eyes.

She hurriedly rushed at her student side and a combination of wind and emotional magic to calm Elaina's heart and get rid of her tears.

Fran: S-stop crying ! I just made something to eat... don't ever cry because of this or I won't do it in the future!

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