His brother, Van, is much more tolerable than him but they are both the same in every way. They are like their mother- the woman I was forced to marry at the age of 19. She is the one who raised them while I was focused on building a strong legacy. They looked nothing like me except that Kamol had my hair and his younger brother had my eyes. Apart from that, I don't see any resemblance between us.

I disowned my sons two years ago because of the same issue. Kamol and Van were bad eggs. They do everything to land their ass in jail not once evading the law. As their father, there's only so much I can do. There's limit as to which the law can be bent in my favor.

Few months ago, I acknowledged them as my sons; the boys I'm responsible for. I may be heartless but not to that extent. They just....remind me so much of their mother and it spikes a lot of hatred deep inside of me.

"Don't you wanna know what I did, dad?" Kamol asks with an eyebrow raised after he's uncuffed. I turn around and proceed to make my way out of the police station, the two security guards falling in step behind me. I hear his heavy footsteps running to keep up with my fast pace.

I put on my dark shades to avoid any suspicion or recognition from the public. Luckily for me, there isn't a single paparazzi lingering outside the police station for juicy details.

When I come to a stop right in font of my Mercedes Benz, I spin so fast on my heel, my lips tilting down just the slightest bit into a hard frown. "I don't want to know what you did this time, Kamol. Public intoxication? Illegal fireworks operation? Smuggling? Or you violated yet another probation?" At the mention of the list of crimes he has committed, he goes silent, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his ripped jeans. "They aren't new to me, son. Stay out of trouble next time."

Who am I kidding? He doesn't listen to me.

Ehan, one of the guard, opens the car door for me and I get into the backseat. He walks around the vehicle to the driver's side while his colleague wastes no time in getting into the passenger's seat.

"Aren't you going to give me a ride home?"

Kamol and Van live with their mother but lately, they've been hanging out in my very own house. I made it clear that I didn't want any of them anywhere near my villa. They are stubborn as fuck. That's one trait I believe they got from me. Peachy.

"You're 21 for fucks sake, son. Find your way." I tell him in a firm tone just as the engine of the car roars to life.

"I gat no money on me, dad. Come on." He appeals. The more I look at his face, the more I see the striking resemblance between us. He looks like a younger me except that a younger me was a terror to the streets of America and Korea.

I suppress a shudder at the thought of him growing up to be like his old man.

"That's not my problem, Kamol. Next time, use your brain. I'm sure you have one. No son of mine will inculcate this habit of stupidity." The car drives off, leaving him standing there like a moron.

Through the tinted glass of the Mercedes Benz, I can see that the sky is starting to get dark and according to the time on my wrist watch, it's 6:55pm exactly. I know exactly what that means. It's time for business.

The ride to my villa is quiet like it should be. The security guards don't say a word unless they are asked to. There are consequences if they go against that. Everywhere I go, there are security men who follow me- not just ordinary men, but highly trained soldiers. Sometimes I don't take them with me if I want to be alone or if I'm going somewhere private. That's how far things can get with the security.

I jerk out of my thought at the sudden vibration in my pocket. Slowly massaging my temple from the migraine I seem to have, I pull out the device. The name that flashes across my screen makes a vein to pop out in my neck and my blood to boil from the anger roaring through my mind.

The Spawn of LuciferOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora