"I tend to have that effect on people," Derek deadpanned.

"Well, what happened to your brother?" Scott wondered.

"Oh, him? He got veneers," Finstock waved off. "Is... is that what this is about? Are you two afraid of getting hurt?"

"No, we're... I mean, we're just... having some issues dealing with aggression," Stiles stammered out. Derek rolled his eyes in exasperation and rubbed his right temple. If it weren't for his werewolf abilities, Derek was certain that he would have a migraine by now.

"Well, here's the good news. That's why you play lacrosse," the coach announced. "Problem solved."

"Coach, we can't play the game tomorrow night," Scott gritted out.

"Stilinski, McCall, part of playing First Line taking on the responsibility of being First Line," Coach Finstock emphasized. "Now, if you two can't shoulder that responsibility, then you're back on the bench until you're ready."

"If we don't play the game, you're taking us off First Line?" Scott balked.

"Play the game, boys."

"Ugh! Listen, Coach, we can't play the game and we have our reasons, but that doesn't mean you have to take us off First Line," Stiles groaned. "It's... it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass; a new day will come, and when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer."

Derek scrunched up his face in utter perplexity. Did Stiles just quote Lord of the Rings?

"Huh. I see," Coach Finstock nodded slowly.

"Stiles is right. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" Scott shouted in desperation.

Once again, Derek looked on in disbelief. Surely the betas didn't think that quoting movie speeches was going to get the coach off their backs. Right?

"Dear God, fine! Fine, fine, fine. I won't kick you off First Line, but the next game, you both better be on the field," Coach Finstock grumbled begrudgingly.

Well, it would appear Derek stood corrected.

Wish I had known that trick when I was in high school. He thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Scott and Stiles let their bodies relax as they let out sighs of relief. "Thank you so much, Coach. I promise you won't regret it," Stiles grinned. "Yeah, yeah. Now get the hell outta my office before I change my mind," Finstock grouched.

*                              *                              *

As Scott and Stiles re-entered the main hallway, Scott received a text from his mother stating that she had the night off to see him play the game. "Ugh! Great!" Scott groaned. "What?" Stiles frowned. "My mom's coming to the game tomorrow," Scott answered.

Stiles cringed, and said, "Yeesh! I haven't heard anything from my dad about him coming to the game yet, but with the whole investigation taking the majority of his focus, I doubt it."

"This is so unfair," Scott whined. "We should be able to play. People are counting on us to be there!"

"Yeah. And people are also counting on us not wolfing out in the middle of the field and killing everyone too," Stiles shot back. "Listen, it sucks. But right now, we need to lay low so that we don't draw any more attention to ourselves. And if that means we have to sit out a few games until we get a handle on this thing, then so be it."

The boys were so focused on each other and their current predicament that they nearly crashed into Allison who was coming down the steps on her way to her locker. "Oh, sorry, I didn't see you guys coming," she apologized.

"No. No, no, no. It's— it's our fault. We weren't looking where we were going," Scott stuttered sheepishly.

"Well, um, I have to go to French class, but I'm glad I ran into you because I wanted to let you know that I'm coming to see you play tomorrow," she smiled. Scott perked up. "You are?" "Yeah, and we're all going out afterwards. You, me, Stiles, Lydia, Jackson. It'll be great," she answered back.

"Wait, Lydia will be there?" Stiles asked eagerly before he could stop himself.

"Mhm. Anyway, I gotta go, but save me a seat at lunch, will you?" Allison said. Then she walked past them and went to her locker, as the hallway started to clear out.

By the time she got to her locker, the corridor was completely empty. She opened the locker and pulled out her jacket— the same jacket she wore to the party— along with her books for her next class. However, just as she closed the door to her locker Derek appeared right beside her saying, "I need you to convince Scott and Stiles not to play the game on Saturday."

Allison jumped back in alarm, clutching her items close against her chest. "Jesus, Derek! Don't do that!" she grouched, letting out a heavy sigh. "Er, sorry. I guess," Derek shrugged, the stern look on his face remaining as impassive as ever. "Anyway, I need to convince Scott and Stiles, but mostly Scott, not to play in the game tomorrow."

"Why can't they play tomorrow?" Allison queried.

Derek raised his eyebrow pointedly. "Two new Betas who barely survived their first full moon and have absolutely no control over their new abilities or temperaments playing one of the most violent sports on the planet surrounded by hundreds of innocent people. And you're asking why they can't play?"

Allison rolled her eyes at his sardonic tone. "You know, with all that bitchiness, I'd ask you if it's your time of the month, but I know we're a few weeks off from the next full moon." Derek gave Allison a wry look despite the feeling of reluctant fondness blossoming in his heart at her quip. As annoying as it was to admit it, Derek would much rather be stuck in an endless battle of wits and playful banter with Allison than a battle of arrows and claws.

"Hardy, har-har. So can you do it?" Derek snarked.

"Why can't you?" Allison shot back.

"I tried already, but Scott won't listen to me. He never listens to me," Derek groaned, pressing the back of his head up against the locker next to hers. "God, I hope this time around you don't turn a blind eye to how much of a dumbass he is."

Allison bit back a smirk as she gazed at the exasperated Alpha begging for her help. "Well, maybe if you didn't call him a dumbass, he would listen to you," she offered. Derek turned his head and fixed his eyes on her with a tired glare, saying, "At this rate, it seems more likely that I'm gonna end up killing him with my bare hands rather than making amends with him."

"Well, that's why you came to me for help, remember, to make sure that none of that happens," the young girl grinned. "I'll use my powers of persuasion to convince Scott not to play."

"Thank you," he said.

"No problem," she nodded.

Just then the warning bell sounded, making Allison look up in panic. "Oh, no. I'm late. Listen, I gotta go, but I'll—" she started looking back to where Derek was standing. Was being the operative word since he was now nowhere to be seen. "I really hope this doesn't become a regular thing with him," she muttered.

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