Same Ending, Different Beginning

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In the immediate aftermath of their meeting with Peter, Derek shuffled Allison towards his Camaro as fast as he could, and, once he was certain they were out of listening range, he told Allison that he needed to start building his Pack and fast. “Wait a second, what do you mean you need to build your Pack now?” she questioned.

“I mean that if I don't build my Pack, this town is going to drown in a river of blood caused by my crazy uncle and the death count is going to skyrocket until there is nobody left alive,” Derek replied. “The night Peter wounded Laura and took half of the Spark, he bit Stiles and Scott.”

“Which turned them into werewolves. Yeah, yeah, we know this already,” Allison waved off. “Yes, but that also turned them in his Betas. Meaning that they are a part of his Pack,” Derek elaborated, eliciting a look of surprise and concern from the girl sitting next to him. “Wait, so what does that mean for Scott and Stiles? Does that mean Peter can control them?” she inquired. The Alpha nodded and shrugged slightly, and said, “In a manner of speaking. It means that he has a higher influence over them than I do, because of the Pack bonds he's forged with them through the bite. And those bonds are only going to get stronger, and make Peter stronger, the more time passes, which means that I need to strengthen my Pack as soon as possible.”

“You mean you need Betas,” Allison clarified. 

“Well, I certainly don't need any more Alphas running around town,” Derek snarked, then in a low murmur he said, “There are too many of those already.”

Instead of responding to his sarcastic remark, Allison opted to think of a solution to Derek's latest problem. That's when it hit her. 

“Why don't we just rebuild your Pack from before?” Allison suggested. 

“I don't know. I mean, in the original timeline, I didn't start building my Pack until Kate and Peter were dead. And on top of that, I wasn't exactly “Alpha of the Year”,” Derek responded. “Well, I think we've established that things were going to be different this time around,” Allison reasoned, then adding with a smirk, “Besides, now you have me here to make sure you don't screw everything up.”

Derek glared at her with no real heat behind his gaze. “Oh, my hero!” he drawled. “Whatever would I do without you.” The Argent girl beamed at the Hale wolf, letting out a bubbly echo of laughter that filled the car with a pleasant aura that not even the Sourwolf of Beacon Hills couldn't resist smiling at. 

Despite everything that was going on, Derek had to admit it felt nice to be able to talk to someone about all of this, and it felt even better to start off the right way with Allison. Who knows? Maybe she's right. Maybe now that he had her on his side, things wouldn't go directly to hell. At least not at first. 

“Well, we can talk more about this later. Not everything has to be done all at once,” the Alpha cleared his throat. “If I remember correctly, Peter’s second attack won't happen for another two weeks at least. However, there is a small chance he will move up his attack after what just happened at the hospital.” “Do we think he'll move up his attack?” Allison asked. “Not likely. He knows that that I know what he's up to, but he also knows the police and your family are hunting him, too. After today, he's going to be planning his next moves based around the assumption that you are going to tell your parents that Peter is the Alpha,” Derek answered. “He's gonna lay low for now, which gives us time to think of our next move.”

“When do you think we should meet up again?” Allison inquired. 

Derek paused for a moment. “Not tomorrow. But we definitely shouldn't put it off for more than a week. I can try to find time in between practices to meet up with you, but it's gonna be difficult.” 

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