Who Would Have Thought I Could Go From Being An Alpha To A Time Traveler?

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"I woke up I was stuck in a dream

You were there, you were tearing up everything

We all know how to fake it, baby

We all know what we've done

We must be killers!

Children of the wild ones

Killers! Where we've got left to run?"


By now, he knew that he was back in Beacon Hills, judging by the sign he saw in the front lobby, which was slightly comforting to know. However, that still did not explain how he got there and what happened to the rest of the pack. But at least now he didn't have to worry about traveling a long distance to get to Deaton's clinic.

Once he left the motel he was shocked, but secretly thrilled, to see his sleek black Camaro sitting out in the parking lot. Not wanting to waste any more time, Derek got into his car and drove off to find an annoyingly cryptic druid.

The booming, territorial barks of the caged dogs announced his presence before Derek ever knocked on the back door. Nevertheless, he pounded on the door with his fist, demanding entry. A few seconds later, Alan Deaton opened the door, and without even asking to be let in, Derek pushed past him and walked into the clinic yelling, "What the hell happened to me, Deaton?"

The older man was confused, and rightly so as a man who he did not recognize barged into his office demanding the answer to a question Deaton was not sure he had. "I'm sorry, sir, but you must have me confused with someone else," Deaton responded. "I am only a veterinarian, and I'm afraid I don't know who you are. Now, we are closed and I would like for you to leave unless you make an appointment for your pet."

"My name is Derek Hale," Derek announced, causing Deaton to stop in his tracks.

"What?" Deaton asked quizzically.

"My name is Derek Hale, I'm Talia's son and I know that you were her Emissary. I also know that your sister Marrin Morrel is an Emissary, and I know she currently works at Beacon Hills High School."

As the druid listened to the young Beta speak, the gears began to turn in his mind, and as Derek spoke, Deaton analyzed him thoughtfully and picked out the similarities between him and Talia and his heart dropped. The way Derek carried himself was like a general hardened by war, but who was still willing to rally the troops for another oncoming battle. It was clear the boy had been through a lot and had matured faster because of it. And while much of that could be pinned on the fire that took most of his family and Pack, it was still fairly odd for a Beta to have such a natural dominating presence. On top of that, he seemed to know more than what a Beta should know regarding the inner working of Alpha diplomacy and Pack relations, and his inner spark resonated with a different type of energy than what is normal for a werewolf. Regardless, there was no doubt in Deaton's mind that the man standing was the son of Talia Hale.

"Derek Hale," Deaton acknowledged. "Your sister mentioned you when I spoke with her."

"Listen I don't care what my... wait, you said my sister?" Derek gulped.

"Yes, your sister dropped by a few hours ago when I told her about an odd occurrence happening in town," Deaton explained.

All at once, Derek let out a shaky breath, as tears welled up in his eyes. "You're lying to me," he breathed. Deaton furrowed his brow. "Why would I do that?" he asked. "I have been told that I can be cryptic at times, but I've never lied, about anything." The older man could have been lying, despite his heart rate not indicating him speaking falsely. Hell, he could have been lying about not lying. However, there was something about the look in his eyes that said differently, and his scent would have given something away if he was lying.

That's when it hit him.

The druid wasn't lying. Which meant his sister really was alive.

Suddenly, everything slowly began to make sense and he was beginning to realize what might have happened. He realized that the reason why he looked a year younger than he was supposed to be, the reason why he had his powers back, and why he had the Camaro that once belonged to his sister, and even why he woke up in the same motel he was staying in a year ago on the night his sister died was because... Oh, God!

"Deaton, I need you to tell me today's date," Derek gulped, praying that his theory wasn't true. The vet tilted his head slightly in confusion. "Today is Wednesday, January 5," Deaton responded.

"What year is it?" Derek urged.

"Derek, it's the year 2011," came the Emissary's reply, confirming the theory that was floating through his mind.

The former Alpha could not believe it. And yet, he knew it was true. It was the only thing that made any sense, which meant it had to be true.

Somehow, someway... Derek Hale had traveled back in time.

Who would have thought he could go from being an Alpha to a time traveler?

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