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Hey everyone! I hope you've enjoyed this Afterdeath book. But as the title here suggests, it is not over yet. It's getting a sequel in the form of a wholesome ship of their children....

Okay so, I've done some work and I'd like to announce that the sequel to this story, a Palette x Goth story, is nearly ready to start being shared so be on the lookout!

Also, I was playing around with dynamics and thinking about their character and stuff. Even posted a question and the responses I got back got me thinking about the plot as well. I also saw Lilo and Stitch memes on Pinterest again and made a connection to the story I made without realizing.

Chiyodub, Palette is definitely a leash kid. A chaotic one too. This is basically how my story introduces him.

 This is basically how my story introduces him

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Pure. Chaotic. Palette.

Here's the cover for it and I'll be publishing it soon(today or tomorrow)

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Here's the cover for it and I'll be publishing it soon(today or tomorrow).

Odd_Undertale_Nerd, you wanted me to let you know when it's coming out so here's that alert. I'm also thinking of doing horrerfarm fanfic like you suggested.

Anyways, I hope you all check it out if you'd like and enjoy it! Have a lovely day and stay safe!(Also happy Valentines Day for those who celebrate!)

-HappyWriter62 :)

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