Chapter 30: Lil Goth

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Geno's POV after a few hours

Yeah, that's a good idea! Maybe try that...And then...No, that's dumb. He wouldn't get it. Hmm, what if I just be blunt about it? No, that would catch him off-guard and send his head spinning. I'll think of something...

I snap out of my thoughts when hearing a smooth, cold whistle. A black feather falls onto my head and I glance up, seeing a raven fly over my head and land beside me.

"Reaper's back! And he is looking for you!"The little Reaperling chirps

I smile wider, eager to see him again.

"And he sent the hedgehogs to find you since the rest are too tired."He adds

I hear the whistling get louder, reaching a sweeter pitch that made it more friendly. My soul appears, showing the developing soul along with it. My soul glows a few times and the tiny soul tries to as well, copying my soul's pattern. The raven squawks in fright at the sight, then flees. My soul hides again but within moments a giant set of black wings wrap around me with a hand on my shoulder. I didn't even have to guess who arrived.

"Geno! What are you doing out here by yourself? Are you okay?"He asks, gently turning my head as he examines me worriedly

"I'm just relaxing a bit. I'm alright."I tell him

"Why did my dad want to see you?"He asks

"He wanted to speak about something but it was more of an annoyance than anything. I left to relax here instead. It was nothing important anyway."I say with a shrug

"Are you alright? Why did I get an echo from your soul? And why did one of the ravens say that something is wrong with it?"He asks worriedly, pulling me closer to him

I facepalm.

"It's nothing to worry about, Reaper. There's nothing wrong with my soul, I assure you."I say, kissing his cheek

He sighs, hugging me close and relaxing. He kisses me affectionately all over my head.

"Thank the AUs..."He sighs with relief

"Everything okay, Reaper?"I ask

"Yeah...Just a long list....Happy to be back with you...I got concerned when you weren't home and our brothers said that he wanted to see you."He tells me

He pauses, seeming to think.

"Wait...What were they doing at our home? Decorating the house and specifically the room meant for the...?"He begins, though doesn't finish the question

I smile, but then notice a few of Gaster's spies floating closer.

"They were just helping me while you were finishing your list. Come on, let's go this way to talk."I say

He takes my hand and follows me along. I pick up the pace when seeing more spies following. But I smile, knowing exactly how to get away from the prying eyes. I pull us behind the waterfall using a rocky path. Just in time too because the current picked up, blocking the opening. I saw some of the magic from Gasters' spies fizzle out when the water rushed down.

"Okay, now we can speak privately."I say, sitting down

He sits down beside me, seeming to catch on.

"Why is he sending those after you?"He asks

"He's still trying to stay in control of things. What I say or do sort of things. More nonsense and those were just spies he made to see if I'd listen. But I caught onto the fact that they don't mix with water that well."I tell him

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