Chapter 34: Raven

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"It makes a huge difference, Reaper. Do you really think me or my soul would accept anyone else? I get that the tests knocked me unconscious and I may not be all-powerful or whatever, but my soul isn't weak or stupid either."I tell him, crossing my arms.

He is silent. No denial of my question or agreeing with my reasons. Just silence and his empty sockets. That told me that he did think so...His frown grew and his fists clenched. I'm not sticking around to see where he takes this.

"Well, I'm done with the laundry. I have to run some errands so you can watch and bond with Goth."I say, pushing off of the dryer and past him.

I head to the living room where Goth was playing with his doll named Toby. They were coloring pages together.

"Goth, I'm going to run some errands. Be good for your dad. Maybe cheer him up a bit."I say

"Okie dokie!"He says

I grab the restraining order on my way out since it states that it will keep Gaster away from our home, Goth, and wherever I go with it. I hear footsteps running from down the hall.

"Geno, wait! We have to-!"Reaper begins

"Have fun you two!"I say, shutting the door


I let out a deep sigh. I remember what Life told me during another visit I took to her.

"The only reason that this new soul was able to be formed was because of the love that connected it. Your soul loves Reaper, so anything related to him or his soul was accepted by yours. Including his power. If it were any other god, your soul would've rejected it. Love is the energy that connected you."She advised me

Having that knowledge made the fact that Reaper even considered another god making a soul with me hurt more. I walk to the food market in the village and sigh, buying the food I need or Goth requested. Then I went to the tree, gazing up at the carving. I see a knife still stuck in the bark and take it out. I draw a line from the heart containing our names to carve another pair of hearts. I carve Goth's name in one and pause at the other, thinking. My soul appears with the smaller one attached.

"What to name you....Hmmm..."I mumble

A raven lands on the roots and the soul lunges at it, pulling me down with it. The poor bird got scared off but the point was made.

"Got it..."I sigh, carving Raven into the other heart.

I sit down against the tree, looking at the developing soul.

"You're....our child, right? Gaster didn't....ruin things, did he?"I mumble

The soul glows and spun a bit. I didn't understand.

"*Sigh* Well it's on neither of us even if that's the case...Gaster was the one experimenting....I won't let you become a lab rat....You will be my kid regardless."I say

The soul presses against my cheek, sharing a warmth and brightness as a form of thanks.

"Now...Do you think we should go back?"I ask

Raven's soul trembled at the question and I understood why.

"Yeah, me neither. Maybe I could see Paps instead...."I say

Raven's soul glows brightly and pulls me forward eagerly.

"Okay okay! We will go! But you have to hide! Can't risk anything when you're still forming."I say

My soul fades away as Raven complies as well. I grab the bags of groceries and move along, heading away from my home and towards Pap's home. Hopefully he won't get upset like Reaper either....

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