Chapter Thirteen: Geno and Annoying Fortunes

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Geno's POV a few weeks later

I smile as I sat in my room, watching the side door creaked open. Reaper pops his head in with one of the sweetest grins I've seen on him.

"Hello, my flower.~ How do you do today?"He says sweetly, coming over to me with his wings flapping gently

He pulls me close to him and I smile up at him.

"Good. How are you, Reaper?"I ask

"Always better with you here.~"He says, landing his feet on the floor.

His eyes twinkle and his wings wrap around me, pulling me closer.

"Nobody has given you problems, right?"He asks

"No. I honestly think they're still traumatized by your rampage a few weeks ago."I say

He chuckles.

"Serves them right. I'd do it all again for you.~"He says, kissing me on the head

"Now, Reaper, don't get too crazy with your power. I can't always be a reason for those actions."I say

He grins.

"You always keep me grounded."He says with a goofy smile

I chuckle a bit.

"And you make me happy regardless, ya dork.~"I say, kissing his cheek softly

There is a knock at the door.

"Yes?"Reaper says

"Sans, I need to see you about something."I hear Undyne say

"Okay. I'll be right out."He says, giving me a kiss

I smile happily and a little bit after he left, some other gods and goddesses invited themselves in. Among them were my friends Elden and Eric. These strangers went right to asking blunt, bold questions and Eric snapped at them a few times for asking "disrespectful" questions. I wasn't surprised by their wording or questions that my friends tried to limit. They either spoke low of me as a mortal, questioning how a God could love me or spoke low of Reaper and questioned how I could love him. It kind of comes with the new mortal and immortal relationship. One grabbed me, taking me to a small cottage. Inside was an aisle of cauldrons glowing from inside. Then a table shows a hologram of dimensions. The gods line up at them and start reaching in, motioning with their hands and causing changes to the worlds or creating items.

"Show us why you love such a cold and cruel god like him."They say

"Well, to you he may seem really bad...Mostly because of his title from what you have said-"I begin

"Yeah, he's really stupid."One says

"Unapproachable."Another says

"Hostile."A third says

"Impulsive."A fourth says

"Angered easily."A fifth says

"Distant."A sixth says

"And don't forget-"The first begins

"OKAY! You have a lot to criticize about him...."I say

"Yeah! He's like a cactus!"One says

I watch as they lift cacti from the cauldrons and make a desert sprout with a field of them on the table.

"But you don't know him well enough to say that's true. If you gave him a chance and tried to get to know him better, you'd find that he's a really sweet, funny, dork. Someone easier to get along with than you think."I tell them

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