Chapter 37 and Epilogue

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???? Time later

"I did it! I found it! Come quick!"I hear Shino yell

Geno tosses me with a wing onto his back. He runs ahead with the kids beside him. We reach Shino and she has a portal open.

"I found your way out. I coded through the barriers so you can go back home!"She says

Geno smiles and without a word, he picks Shino up by the hood in his mouth and carries her through. She transforms into a little baby hanging in her cloak. Geno smiles, as do both of our kids.

"Yay! New sister!"Goth cheers without hesitation

Raven soars into the air and flips before landing with a smile. Shino giggles. I see Gaster up ahead, looking horrified at the sight approaching him. Yet the closer we got, he kept getting knocked back by bolts of red energy combined with purple and blue. I smile, catching onto the cause. The restraining order is taking effect.

"You can't get near my family now!"I say, hugging Geno's back happily

I smile proudly, seeing his horror and shock as he realizes what I meant. Geno's brother runs over with a grin.

"You're back? Brother! How did you get two more kids or....this?"He asks

"We can explain! Raven say hi to your uncle! Goth keep him close! And meet Shino, the new daughter of the family!"I say, slipping off of his back

Shino giggles.

Goth nudges Raven closer to their uncle. Raven snuggles up to him. Then my brother arrives and they meet him too. Geno sets Shino down who is wrapped up in the red cloth of the cloak. The mask slips out as well.

"I'll get you three fixed. Just have to figure out the code...."My brother in-law says

I smile, Geno leaning against me as he explains what happened to our brothers.

A few weeks passed and my family turned back to their beautiful skeleton selves. By the time we got out of there, Goth was 6 and Raven was 4 while Shino was basically reset to a newborn upon our exit from that realm. Not that we were complaining. We made the space for Goth's new siblings and have fallen into a happy little routine. And regarding my marriage, it has healed and recovered from the fight quite nicely. I get plenty of snuggles from Geno and I sometimes enjoy teasing what he did on instinct back there. He always looks adorable when he reacts with a blushing red face and a loud "SHUT UP!" to my comments. And what's nice about having three kids is that we can hang up on Geno to give him the affection he deserves. We'll compliment him until he is beet red in the face, hug him or snuggle him in teams, little things that build up. Outnumbered, he can't deny it to us with his stubborn mind. Raven doesn't even like the glitches around him so he'll often have to remove them so Raven will be happy. But that's just another chance for us to opportunity to love him more and get him to embrace himself.

Today we were in the bathroom brushing our teeth when Goth eagerly ran in to join us, already dressed with his scarf and a bag strapped underneath.

"Why hello little man. What makes you so excited today?"I ask

"Big day with friends!"He giggles

"He's starting school with his friends today. I'm taking him there. It's not too far from the library I work at."Geno says

"Aah, I see. Did you talk this over with your brother?"I say to Goth teasingly

Raven seems very attached to Goth and he gets upset just when Goth leaves the room for chores so I cannot imagine how upset he'd be with this news. Or worried since Goth getting even a self-inflicted bump by bumping into a wall sends him into alarm.

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