"What?" He smiled. Of course he was smiling he was about to kill me.

"No, I didn't snitch.. I spent my night drunk and woke up and then got tied up by criminals..no offense" I panted.

"Hey none taken and how do I know your telling the truth?" He said with raised eyebrows.

"Because if you want to kill Vincent and Nora Marino then I'll tell you where they are...but you have to promise to leave me alone after" I negotiated.

"Are negotiating with me?" He said narrowing his eyes.

"Uh...no I'm just suggesting...like if you want" I said nervously.

He nodded amused, "What's your name, sweetheart?"

Should I lie? I've already made a mistake, giving criminals my real name.

"Hello?" He said. "oh I'm sorry it's...Zoey"

"Sure" he said knowing I was lying.

"Um can you untie me than kill me?" I asked him.

"Who said I was ever going to kill you? The most I was going to do was roughen you up" he said pulling a knife out and I struggled against the ties.

"Relax 'Zoey' I'm untying you" he said calmly then citing the ropes from my hands and ankles.

I gave him a quick thank you. "I'm a nice guy, so when I ask you questions I expect the truth no bullshit, okay Zoey" he said lowly twirling the knife.

I nodded. "Did you snitch? Be honest or I'm going to have to hurt you and I really don't want to" he said strained.

"No I promise, I was to scared to" I told him.

"Hmm I want to believe that but I'm just not sure..so I'm going to cut your arm okay? Don't scream or I'll slap you" he bellowed.

I started to cry, he pushed me on the bed and held me down grabbing my arm and cut my arm.

I whimpered swallowing a scream in my throat. "Please I promise I'm not lying like I told you earlier I'll tell you where they are just let me live" I sobbed.

I felt a sting on my right cheek, "Stop trying to negotiate with me, I decided what I do with you" he bellowed in my ear.

I shivered, "Sorry.... Bay Wells condos, top floor, 2nd door to your right" I told him closing my eyes waiting for impact.

"You're dumb but I like you maybe my pops will let us keep you around" he chuckled.

He got off of me and helped me up. He went to go grab the bags near the door. I saw blood peeking through is right shoulder.

"Hey um your bleeding" I said going up to him to examine it. "Oh it's nothing I'll take care of it" he said grabbing the bags.

He was a giant, 6'4 and buff and not going to lie a really nice butt. "No it's getting worse I can stop the bleeding" I told him.

I owed him this for not killing me. He dropped the bag and stripped off his shirt.

"Stop the bleeding then" he said sitting on my bed. My mouth went dry and I went to got get my kit from under my bed.

I grabbed some gauze and stitching tools. He had a stab wound there, not as bad as the one he and his brother gave Vincent but bad enough for it to not stop bleeding.

"What's your name and no bullshit" I quoted him earlier. "ha funny I'm Silas and I know your name isn't Zoey..its Jane" he said.

"Then why'd you ask?"

"To see if you would lie to me, which you totally did" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. He had black hair with light brown eyes. He jawline structure was sharp I must say.

He cleared his throat and I quickly grabbed the stitching tools and went to work. I bandaged him up and gave him back his shirt.

"There all better" I said. "You a medical student?" He asked and I nodded.

"Cool lets go" he said and we walked out of the dorm room.

He led me to a Prius, I giggled. He drives a Prius that's adorable..okay stop Jane your leaving with another criminal because your life sucks act like it I told myself.

"It has great mileage and it's good for the environment" he told me putting the bags in the trunk. "Hey I didn't say anything" I told him. "yeah but you wanted to" he said opening my door for me. Ugh gentlemen.

"You can go to sleep we won't get to our destination for another 9 hours" he said.

My eyes widen ugh, "quick question before I take a little siesta, I told you where Vince and Nora where how come your not going to go get them?"

"Because they probably left, it would be dumb to stay..we'll find them" he said.

I nodded and leaned the chair back closing my eyes

"Janey wake up" I heard a voice. I whipped my hand in he direction hitting someone. Oh shit I forgot about Silas. But whatever it's payback for slapping me.

"Ouch, get up I'm tired and can't drive anymore" he said.

I yawned and got out of the car. We were outside a motel 6.

"Yeah can I get 2 queens, please?" He asked the scrawny motel clerk.

The clerk nodded and handed us the keys. Silas grabbed our bags and led me to our room.

"I'm going to take a shower" he said walking to the bathroom.

I shrugged and changed into my pjs I could take a shower in the morning.

I took my sweats off and got under the covers.

"Credo che il suo fratello e lei è caldo, che io chiamo dibs quando sarà il momento. Dovremmo arrivare domani sera. Bye con amore Dante" I heard Silas say. Really dibs? I mentally rolled my eyes. After that I fell asleep.(I believe her and brother she's hot, I call dibs when the time comes. We should get there by tomorrow night. Bye with love Dante)
"Hey wake up" I heard Silas say.

I got up threw my covers off and laid there for an extra 5 minutes.

"Mm lacy, me likey" I heard Silas chuckled.

Shit I forgot, I jumped out of bed grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom. "Your but jiggles when you run" he laughed.

My cheeks were burning, I hurried to take my shower. I put on some jeans and a t-shirt that had hello kitty and on it.

I walked out and put my dirty clothes in a plastic bag and we checked out.

"So where are we going...like what's the address?" I asked.

"I'm going to pretend you're joking about the address part and you'll see when we get there" he sighed.

"Can we get some breakfast" I asked sweetly.

"Yeah there's a McDonald's down the street" he said. I didn't really want McDonald's but, whatever.

After we ate he drove for a couple hours. I started to think about everything, I really didn't want to die. I really need to learn how to fight and shoot a gun because I was having a gut feeling that things were going to get a whole lot worse for me

What do you think of Silas? Is he a potential love interest or a really good friend?

Silas or Vincent?

Not edited


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