Chapter 42

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Chapter 42


When the Srans jumped off the cliff, I was too amazed at the beauty to scream. They flew deeper into the mist as I strained to see ahead of us. Quickly looking around, I couldn't see my darling anywhere. "Kaisen!" I called out over the rushing water around us as my Sran started to slow down.

"I'm here, my love!" He called back, sounding closer than I thought. It wasn't long before my Sran had softly landed on some type of odd platform. I still couldn't see as the mist surrounded us before I slowly climbed off its back. "My love, I'm here!" Kai called as I could spot his silhouette moving towards me before he was standing in front of me in all of his glory. Quickly taking me in his arms, I couldn't help smothering him in kisses. "Were you scared, my love?" He asked while sweeping me off of my feet before he started walking away from the Srans.

"A little but where are we going?" I asked while looking up at him as he smiled down at me. His eyes were shining a brighter green than usual as I couldn't help but admire them. "Your eyes are shining, darling."

"Are they? I'm taking us to the lake over there." He explained while smiling down at me before looking back ahead. Turning my attention forward, I was surprised to see there was something there. The mist seemed to have cleared a path leading up to an oddly clear blue lake. It wasn't there before. The closer we got, the more relaxed I became. "Do you feel it? This overwhelming relaxation?" He asked while stopping at the water's edge as I nodded. "I'm going to put you down now so we can enter the water together. I'll take it slow so hold onto me." He instructed while setting me down as I quickly grasped his right hand before we slowly entered the water. I was completely unsure of what the hell we were doing but I trusted Kai more than anything. The water was cool but not freezing, much to my surprise. Once the water was up to our waist, a soft voice began to speak.

"Welcome, my children." The voice spoke as I looked around while Kaisen kept me close. We were fine in the water as it wasn't too shallow and we were standing on a weird yet smooth surface in the lake. "You've come far and have completed your trial. And for this, you have proven worthy of my blessing." They spoke as something slowly rose from the water while I strained my eyes to see what it was. As I looked a little longer, I soon realized that it was another Apiazan. A woman with long blue hair like the lake stood on top. Her skin was a lighter shade of blue as her golden eyes stared at us. "Oh my, you're the couple that's saved both of the tribes. How nice it is to see you both overcoming my trial." She smiled as I looked between her and Kai. Her trial?

"Apia?" I questioned aloud as she smiled while walking towards us. The closer she got to us, the more the mist began to clear until I could completely see our surroundings. The path we had once walked to enter the lake was gone. All around us was just the blue lake.

"Indeed, Lilium. It's nice to finally meet you both in person. And you even brought an extra person." She smiled while stopping a little away from us as I looked at her oddly. "My apologies for putting you both through such a trial when you were in that state, Lilium but your determination to finally become one was so beautiful. I'm glad you both overcame it and were able to make it here." She looked between the both of us as Kai's gaze fell on me.

"I'm pregnant?" I asked while looking at the Goddess who nodded before Kai started to cry. Startled by his sudden tears, I gently pulled him into my arms while rubbing his back.

"Your family's fertility issues do not pertain to Lilium. You two will have no issue conceiving as long as you take care of each other's health." Apia explained as Kai wiped his face with his sleeve before looking down at me. He gently pulled me into a hug before pulling back to kiss me. His cool touch quilted my body as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'll offer my blessing and open a portal to send you both back. Once you're back, make sure you properly complete the ritual." She explained as we pulled apart to look at her. Her words echoed around us as she came closer. "Remember to properly complete the ritual and thank you both for saving both tribes. May life treat you both well." She smiled while raising her hands above us as they glowed a little red before something crawled up my fingers. Quickly raising my hand, I was surprised to see the black inking on my left ring finger. At the base was a black band around my entire finger followed by vines wrapping around it up to my nail. It wasn't long before a small flower was drawn on top of the vines. It looked like a lily but it looked a little taller.

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