Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


I stared at the most beautiful woman in my life as we sat in the large barrel full of water. She was currently bathing herself as I gently scrubbed her scalp with some shampoo. "What will happen now?" She asked while washing her legs as I scrubbed the back before a moan escaped her. "Right there, darling. That feels nice."

"Well, once we get back, we'll have to report to Abu and let him know that we want to go on ahead and start our ritual. From there, we'll purge our body of outside impurities and embark on our journey to become one." I explained as she was about to say something before I interrupted her. "Head down, my love. I need to rinse your hair out." She did as told while I cupped some water in my hands while repeatedly rinsing out the shampoo.

"What do you mean? Is there no engagement where after you propose to your mate, you both take your time and plan it out?" She asked as I gently squeezed the loose water out of her hair while shaking my head.

"No, my love. Usually when mates find each other, they immediately go and perform their sacred ritual so nobody else can steal their mate. Now, some do take their time to spoil and pamper their mate but it's usually only for a short time before they start their ritual." I explained as she looked up at me with a questioning look in her eyes as I continued. "Of course I wanted to perform the ritual with you immediately after Abu and the great Goddess let it be known that we were mates but I didn't want to push that on you so fast. You had just fallen from the sky, separated from your friends, and thrown into a world you barely knew existed. I couldn't take it upon myself to force you to do something you didn't want. My parents didn't raise me that way." I smiled while kissing her forehead as she sighed with a smile on her face.

"I'm glad you waited until I was ready. Jeez, you even learned about my world's way of proposing and even got me a gift. I don't mind immediately starting our ritual once we get back. You patiently waited for me so I'm going to trust you on this process. Let's get through our ritual safe and sound." She looked even more beautiful when she was radiating her love and kindness. I never thought that I'd get such an understanding mate in my entire life. One who's willing to talk it out even when things get rough. I believe we can get this ritual done in one go. "So, is there anything we need to actually prepare for? Like would there be any challenges ahead of us?" She asked while leaning forward as I began to wash her back.

"Well from what Sihea told me when she and Ghix went through their ritual, it looks normal but little things could be a problem. She explained how they barely fought but once they started their ritual, it's like everything made them angry at each other. Hunting would also be a priority and both mates must participate. She said even that pissed them off." I explained as she glanced over her shoulder at me warily. "Her resolution for the entire thing was to never walk off from each other no matter how passed they made you. Something about how the forest changes. But, we got this. Just remember how much I love you and how I'd do anything just for you." I smiled while rinsing her back off before wrapping my arms around her bare waist and pulling her back towards me.

"Me too, darling. I love you so much that I'm not willing to lose you to some mind game playing forest. You're mine and they can't take you from me now that I've found you." She frowned as I gently rubbed circles on her stomach.

"I guess that just means we'll have to deal with each other's attitudes until the very end. It'll be worth the fight once I'm taking you as mine." I groaned while nuzzling her face as she slowly rubbed her hand up and down my leg. "What do you say to one more round before we head back home?" I asked while slowly sliding my hand down her stomach as she bit her bottom lip.

"I think we have plenty of time for a few more rounds before we go tie the deal." She smiled as I couldn't help but smile back at her.


By the time we got back, I had fully exhausted my mate as she leaned back against me on the ride home. The two stars had begun to descend from the sky as the moon slowly began to take its place. I hadn't realized we'd been pleasuring each other all day until Lily passed out and I went to check on Neau.

"My love, should we start our ritual tomorrow?" I asked as she quietly shook her head while I led Neau towards our home.

"You're going the wrong way, darling. Let's go start our ritual tonight. I want you to officially make me yours." She explained while looking up at me before sitting up straight. "I'll be okay." She smiled but I knew better. She was exhausted and she would need all of her energy to transverse that forest. "I promise, I'm okay." She pleaded as I looked down at her with worry in my eyes before sighing and turning Neau around.

"If you start feeling tired, let me know immediately." I explained as she nodded before Neau picked up her pace towards the temple. It didn't take us long to get there and get inside. Once we found Abu, he separated us to go wash off the outside impurities in the temple baths with some clean clothes. I had emerged first from the baths with my hair braided back and the fresh bundle of clothes on. A short sleeved white shirt was given to me along with a pair of matching white shorts that barely touched my knees.

"Here you go, Kaisen. Though shoes won't be necessary, it'll be a little bit more dangerous since you both are performing your ritual during the night." Abu stated while handing me a pair of white shoes as I took a seat on one of the nearby benches to pull them on. As I sat down, my love walked out wearing a matching set of clothes much similar to mine except her shorts were more well fitted to her body. Abu also proceeded to hand Lily a pair of white shoes and repeat what he had told me earlier. As Lily sat down next to me, I had finished pulling on my shoes.

"Could you braid my hair back, darling?" She inquired as I nodded before she turned her back to me while I quickly worked on her hair. Abu watched carefully from afar with a smile on his face. Once we were done, I held out my hand as Lily laced our fingers together before we stood up.

"Are you both ready?" Abu asked as we looked at each other before smiling and nodding. "Alright. Please bow your heads." He instructed as we did as told. "Great Mother of all, these two children wish to become one through the obstacles that your child has prepared for them in her wake. May they be looked after as they transverse deeper into the forest known as the home to many. Be wise and be careful on your trip. Once you find the place, you'll know as the burden and anger be lifted from your souls." Abu stated as we slowly raised our heads to look at him. "May you go forth on your journey." He bowed while stepping aside as the wall behind him slipped into the floor, revealing the dark forest as I could see everything with my vision.

Yet, I knew my mate couldn't. This would be our first obstacle. I thought to myself as we stepped onto the damp soil. This part of the forest wasn't like where we lived. It was always subjected to the harsh rains that constantly plagued it. We would be in for the time of our lives. I thought as Lily stuck close to my side while the wall to the temple closed up after us.

Desert Lily [SS#1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें